function actions_do
Performs a given list of actions by executing their callback functions.
Given the IDs of actions to perform, this function finds out what the callback functions for the actions are by querying the database. Then it calls each callback using the function call $function($object, $context, $a1, $a2), passing the input arguments of this function (see below) to the action function.
$action_ids: The IDs of the actions to perform. Can be a single action ID or an array of IDs. IDs of configurable actions must be given as numeric action IDs; IDs of non-configurable actions may be given as action function names.
$object: The object that the action will act on: a node, user, or comment object.
$context: Associative array containing extra information about what triggered the action call, with $context['hook'] giving the name of the hook that resulted in this call to actions_do().
$a1: Passed along to the callback.
$a2: Passed along to the callback.
Return value
An associative array containing the results of the functions that perform the actions, keyed on action ID.
Related topics
6 calls to actions_do()
- actions_loop_test_watchdog in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ actions_loop_test.module - Implements hook_watchdog().
- trigger_cron in modules/
trigger/ trigger.module - Implements hook_cron().
- _trigger_comment in modules/
trigger/ trigger.module - Calls action functions for comment triggers.
- _trigger_node in modules/
trigger/ trigger.module - Calls action functions for node triggers.
- _trigger_taxonomy in modules/
trigger/ trigger.module - Calls action functions for taxonomy triggers.
includes/, line 58
function actions_do($action_ids, $object = NULL, $context = NULL, $a1 = NULL, $a2 = NULL) {
// $stack tracks the number of recursive calls.
static $stack;
if ($stack > variable_get('actions_max_stack', 35)) {
watchdog('actions', 'Stack overflow: too many calls to actions_do(). Aborting to prevent infinite recursion.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
$actions = array();
$available_actions = actions_list();
$actions_result = array();
if (is_array($action_ids)) {
$conditions = array();
foreach ($action_ids as $action_id) {
if (is_numeric($action_id)) {
$conditions[] = $action_id;
elseif (isset($available_actions[$action_id])) {
$actions[$action_id] = $available_actions[$action_id];
// When we have action instances we must go to the database to retrieve
// instance data.
if (!empty($conditions)) {
$query = db_select('actions');
$query->addField('actions', 'aid');
$query->addField('actions', 'type');
$query->addField('actions', 'callback');
$query->addField('actions', 'parameters');
$query->condition('aid', $conditions, 'IN');
$result = $query->execute();
foreach ($result as $action) {
$actions[$action->aid] = $action->parameters ? unserialize($action->parameters) : array();
$actions[$action->aid]['callback'] = $action->callback;
$actions[$action->aid]['type'] = $action->type;
// Fire actions, in no particular order.
foreach ($actions as $action_id => $params) {
// Configurable actions need parameters.
if (is_numeric($action_id)) {
$function = $params['callback'];
if (function_exists($function)) {
$context = array_merge($context, $params);
$actions_result[$action_id] = $function($object, $context, $a1, $a2);
else {
$actions_result[$action_id] = FALSE;
else {
$actions_result[$action_id] = $action_id($object, $context, $a1, $a2);
else {
// If it's a configurable action, retrieve stored parameters.
if (is_numeric($action_ids)) {
$action = db_query("SELECT callback, parameters FROM {actions} WHERE aid = :aid", array(
':aid' => $action_ids,
$function = $action->callback;
if (function_exists($function)) {
$context = array_merge($context, unserialize($action->parameters));
$actions_result[$action_ids] = $function($object, $context, $a1, $a2);
else {
$actions_result[$action_ids] = FALSE;
else {
if (function_exists($action_ids)) {
$actions_result[$action_ids] = $action_ids($object, $context, $a1, $a2);
else {
// Set to avoid undefined index error messages later.
$actions_result[$action_ids] = FALSE;
return $actions_result;
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