BlockTestCase::testBlockRehash in modules/block/block.test
Test _block_rehash().
block_block_list_alter in modules/block/block.module
Implements hook_block_list_alter().
CommentFieldsTest::testCommentEnable in modules/comment/comment.test
Test that comment module works when enabled after a content module.
DashboardBlocksTestCase::testDisableEnable in modules/dashboard/dashboard.test
Tests that the dashboard module can be re-enabled, retaining its blocks.
form_test_menu in modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module
Implements hook_menu().
ForumTestCase::testEnableForumField in modules/forum/forum.test
Tests disabling and re-enabling the Forum module.
hook_entity_info in modules/system/system.api.php
Inform the base system and the Field API about one or more entity types.
image_style_flush in modules/image/image.module
Flushes cached media for a style.
language_list in includes/
Returns a list of installed languages, indexed by the specified key.
menu_help in modules/menu/menu.module
Implements hook_help().
ModuleImplementsAlterTestCase::testModuleImplementsAlter in modules/simpletest/tests/module.test
Tests hook_module_implements_alter() adding an implementation.
ModuleTestCase::assertModules in modules/system/system.test
Assert the list of modules are enabled or disabled.
ModuleUnitTest::testDependencyResolution in modules/simpletest/tests/module.test
Test dependency resolution.
module_disable in includes/
Disables a given set of modules.
node_admin_nodes in modules/node/
Form builder: Builds the node administration overview.
node_delete_multiple in modules/node/node.module
Deletes multiple nodes.
node_entity_info in modules/node/node.module
Implements hook_entity_info().
node_overview_types in modules/node/
Displays the content type admin overview page.
path_admin_overview in modules/path/
Returns a listing of all defined URL aliases.
syslog_form_system_logging_settings_alter in modules/syslog/syslog.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
SystemInfoAlterTestCase::testSystemInfoAlter in modules/system/system.test
Tests that {system}.info is rebuilt after a module that implements hook_system_info_alter() is enabled. Also tests if core *_list() functions return freshly altered info.
SystemMainContentFallback::testMainContentFallback in modules/system/system.test
Test availability of main content.
system_help in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_help().
system_modules in modules/system/
Menu callback; provides module enable/disable interface.
system_modules_submit in modules/system/
Submit callback; handles modules form submission.
system_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Implements hook_requirements().
system_theme_settings in modules/system/
Form builder; display theme configuration for entire site and individual themes.
template_preprocess_user_picture in modules/user/user.module
Process variables for user-picture.tpl.php.
update_results_page in ./update.php
Displays results of the update script with any accompanying errors.
user_admin_settings in modules/user/
Form builder; Configure user settings for this site.