function drupal_autoload_interface
Confirms that an interface is available.
This function is rarely called directly. Instead, it is registered as an spl_autoload() handler, and PHP calls it for us when necessary.
$interface: The name of the interface to check or load.
Return value
TRUE if the interface is currently available, FALSE otherwise.
Related topics
1 call to drupal_autoload_interface()
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2 string references to 'drupal_autoload_interface'
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simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.test - Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
- _drupal_bootstrap_database in includes/ - Initializes the database system and registers autoload functions.
includes/, line 3473
function drupal_autoload_interface($interface) {
return _registry_check_code('interface', $interface);
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