function theme_get_setting
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/includes/ \theme_get_setting()
- 8.9.x core/includes/ \theme_get_setting()
- 10 core/includes/ \theme_get_setting()
- 11.x core/includes/ \theme_get_setting()
Retrieves a setting for the current theme or for a given theme.
The final setting is obtained from the last value found in the following sources:
- the default global settings specified in this function
- the default theme-specific settings defined in any base theme's .info file
- the default theme-specific settings defined in the theme's .info file
- the saved values from the global theme settings form
- the saved values from the theme's settings form
To only retrieve the default global theme setting, an empty string should be given for $theme.
$setting_name: The name of the setting to be retrieved.
$theme: The name of a given theme; defaults to the current theme.
Return value
The value of the requested setting, NULL if the setting does not exist.
16 calls to theme_get_setting()
- bartik_process_maintenance_page in themes/
bartik/ template.php - Override or insert variables into the maintenance page template.
- bartik_process_page in themes/
bartik/ template.php - Override or insert variables into the page template.
- in themes/
bartik/ color/ - garland_form_system_theme_settings_alter in themes/
garland/ theme-settings.php - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- garland_preprocess_html in themes/
garland/ template.php - Override or insert variables into the html template.
includes/, line 1410
function theme_get_setting($setting_name, $theme = NULL) {
$cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
// If no key is given, use the current theme if we can determine it.
if (!isset($theme)) {
$theme = !empty($GLOBALS['theme_key']) ? $GLOBALS['theme_key'] : '';
if (empty($cache[$theme])) {
// Set the default values for each global setting.
// To add new global settings, add their default values below, and then
// add form elements to system_theme_settings() in
$cache[$theme] = array(
'default_logo' => 1,
'logo_path' => '',
'default_favicon' => 1,
'favicon_path' => '',
// Use the IANA-registered MIME type for ICO files as default.
'favicon_mimetype' => 'image/',
// Turn on all default features.
$features = _system_default_theme_features();
foreach ($features as $feature) {
$cache[$theme]['toggle_' . $feature] = 1;
// Get the values for the theme-specific settings from the .info files of
// the theme and all its base themes.
if ($theme) {
$themes = list_themes();
$theme_object = $themes[$theme];
// Create a list which includes the current theme and all its base themes.
if (isset($theme_object->base_themes)) {
$theme_keys = array_keys($theme_object->base_themes);
$theme_keys[] = $theme;
else {
$theme_keys = array(
foreach ($theme_keys as $theme_key) {
if (!empty($themes[$theme_key]->info['settings'])) {
$cache[$theme] = array_merge($cache[$theme], $themes[$theme_key]->info['settings']);
// Get the saved global settings from the database.
$cache[$theme] = array_merge($cache[$theme], variable_get('theme_settings', array()));
if ($theme) {
// Get the saved theme-specific settings from the database.
$cache[$theme] = array_merge($cache[$theme], variable_get('theme_' . $theme . '_settings', array()));
// If the theme does not support a particular feature, override the global
// setting and set the value to NULL.
if (!empty($theme_object->info['features'])) {
foreach ($features as $feature) {
if (!in_array($feature, $theme_object->info['features'])) {
$cache[$theme]['toggle_' . $feature] = NULL;
// Generate the path to the logo image.
if ($cache[$theme]['toggle_logo']) {
if ($cache[$theme]['default_logo']) {
$cache[$theme]['logo'] = file_create_url(dirname($theme_object->filename) . '/logo.png');
elseif ($cache[$theme]['logo_path']) {
$cache[$theme]['logo'] = file_create_url($cache[$theme]['logo_path']);
// Generate the path to the favicon.
if ($cache[$theme]['toggle_favicon']) {
if ($cache[$theme]['default_favicon']) {
if (file_exists($favicon = dirname($theme_object->filename) . '/favicon.ico')) {
$cache[$theme]['favicon'] = file_create_url($favicon);
else {
$cache[$theme]['favicon'] = file_create_url('misc/favicon.ico');
elseif ($cache[$theme]['favicon_path']) {
$cache[$theme]['favicon'] = file_create_url($cache[$theme]['favicon_path']);
else {
$cache[$theme]['toggle_favicon'] = FALSE;
return isset($cache[$theme][$setting_name]) ? $cache[$theme][$setting_name] : NULL;
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