Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.x modules/book/book-node-export-html.tpl.php

book-node-export-html.tpl.php Default theme implementation for rendering a single node in a printer friendly outline.

Where it is collected and printed out.

Available variables:

  • $depth: Depth of the current node inside the outline.
  • $title: Node title.
  • $content: Node content.
  • $children: All the child nodes recursively rendered through this file.

See also



1 theme call to book-node-export-html.tpl.php
book_node_export in modules/book/book.module
Generates printer-friendly HTML for a node.


View source

 * @file book-node-export-html.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation for rendering a single node in a printer
 * friendly outline.
 * @see book-node-export-html.tpl.php
 * Where it is collected and printed out.
 * Available variables:
 * - $depth: Depth of the current node inside the outline.
 * - $title: Node title.
 * - $content: Node content.
 * - $children: All the child nodes recursively rendered through this file.
 * @see template_preprocess_book_node_export_html()
<div id="node-<?php

print $node->nid;
?>" class="section-<?php

print $depth;
  <h1 class="book-heading"><?php

print $title;

print $content;

print $children;