
Default implementation of the field storage API.



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 * @file
 * Default implementation of the field storage API.

 * Implements hook_help().
function field_sql_storage_help($path, $arg) {
    switch ($path) {
        case 'admin/help#field_sql_storage':
            $output = '';
            $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
            $output .= '<p>' . t('The Field SQL storage module stores field data in the database. It is the default field storage module; other field storage mechanisms may be available as contributed modules. See the <a href="@field-help">Field module help page</a> for more information about fields.', array(
                '@field-help' => url('admin/help/field'),
            )) . '</p>';
            return $output;

 * Implements hook_field_storage_info().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_info() {
    return array(
        'field_sql_storage' => array(
            'label' => t('Default SQL storage'),
            'description' => t('Stores fields in the local SQL database, using per-field tables.'),

 * Generate a table name for a field data table.
 * @param $field
 *   The field structure.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the generated name for the database table
function _field_sql_storage_tablename($field) {
    if ($field['deleted']) {
        return "field_deleted_data_{$field['id']}";
    else {
        return "field_data_{$field['field_name']}";

 * Generate a table name for a field revision archive table.
 * @param $name
 *   The field structure.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the generated name for the database table
function _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field) {
    if ($field['deleted']) {
        return "field_deleted_revision_{$field['id']}";
    else {
        return "field_revision_{$field['field_name']}";

 * Generates a table alias for a field data table.
 * The table alias is unique for each unique combination of field name
 * (represented by $tablename), delta_group and language_group.
 * @param $tablename
 *   The name of the data table for this field.
 * @param $field_key
 *   The numeric key of this field in this query.
 * @param $query
 *   The EntityFieldQuery that is executed.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the generated table alias.
function _field_sql_storage_tablealias($tablename, $field_key, EntityFieldQuery $query) {
    // No conditions present: use a unique alias.
    if (empty($query->fieldConditions[$field_key])) {
        return $tablename . $field_key;
    // Find the delta and language condition values and append them to the alias.
    $condition = $query->fieldConditions[$field_key];
    $alias = $tablename;
    $has_group_conditions = FALSE;
    foreach (array(
    ) as $column) {
        if (isset($condition[$column . '_group'])) {
            $alias .= '_' . $column . '_' . $condition[$column . '_group'];
            $has_group_conditions = TRUE;
    // Return the alias when it has delta/language group conditions.
    if ($has_group_conditions) {
        return $alias;
    // Return a unique alias in other cases.
    return $tablename . $field_key;

 * Generate a column name for a field data table.
 * @param $name
 *   The name of the field
 * @param $column
 *   The name of the column
 * @return
 *   A string containing a generated column name for a field data
 *   table that is unique among all other fields.
function _field_sql_storage_columnname($name, $column) {
    return $name . '_' . $column;

 * Generate an index name for a field data table.
 * @param $name
 *   The name of the field
 * @param $column
 *   The name of the index
 * @return
 *   A string containing a generated index name for a field data
 *   table that is unique among all other fields.
function _field_sql_storage_indexname($name, $index) {
    return $name . '_' . $index;

 * Return the database schema for a field. This may contain one or
 * more tables. Each table will contain the columns relevant for the
 * specified field. Leave the $field's 'columns' and 'indexes' keys
 * empty to get only the base schema.
 * @param $field
 *   The field structure for which to generate a database schema.
 * @return
 *   One or more tables representing the schema for the field.
function _field_sql_storage_schema($field) {
    $deleted = $field['deleted'] ? 'deleted ' : '';
    $current = array(
        'description' => "Data storage for {$deleted}field {$field['id']} ({$field['field_name']})",
        'fields' => array(
            'entity_type' => array(
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 128,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => '',
                'description' => 'The entity type this data is attached to',
            'bundle' => array(
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 128,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => '',
                'description' => 'The field instance bundle to which this row belongs, used when deleting a field instance',
            'deleted' => array(
                'type' => 'int',
                'size' => 'tiny',
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => 0,
                'description' => 'A boolean indicating whether this data item has been deleted',
            'entity_id' => array(
                'type' => 'int',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'description' => 'The entity id this data is attached to',
            'revision_id' => array(
                'type' => 'int',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => FALSE,
                'description' => 'The entity revision id this data is attached to, or NULL if the entity type is not versioned',
            // @todo Consider storing language as integer.
'language' => array(
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 32,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => '',
                'description' => 'The language for this data item.',
            'delta' => array(
                'type' => 'int',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'description' => 'The sequence number for this data item, used for multi-value fields',
        'primary key' => array(
        'indexes' => array(
            'entity_type' => array(
            'bundle' => array(
            'deleted' => array(
            'entity_id' => array(
            'revision_id' => array(
            'language' => array(
    // If the target entity type uses a string for its entity ID then update
    // the fields entity_id and revision_id columns from INT to VARCHAR.
    if (!empty($field['entity_id_type']) && $field['entity_id_type'] === 'string') {
        $current['fields']['entity_id']['type'] = 'varchar';
        $current['fields']['entity_id']['length'] = 128;
        $current['fields']['revision_id']['type'] = 'varchar';
        $current['fields']['revision_id']['length'] = 128;
    $field += array(
        'columns' => array(),
        'indexes' => array(),
        'foreign keys' => array(),
    // Add field columns.
    foreach ($field['columns'] as $column_name => $attributes) {
        $real_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
        $current['fields'][$real_name] = $attributes;
    // Add indexes.
    foreach ($field['indexes'] as $index_name => $columns) {
        $real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $index_name);
        foreach ($columns as $column_name) {
            // Indexes can be specified as either a column name or an array with
            // column name and length. Allow for either case.
            if (is_array($column_name)) {
                $current['indexes'][$real_name][] = array(
                    _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name[0]),
            else {
                $current['indexes'][$real_name][] = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
    // Add foreign keys.
    foreach ($field['foreign keys'] as $specifier => $specification) {
        $real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $specifier);
        $current['foreign keys'][$real_name]['table'] = $specification['table'];
        foreach ($specification['columns'] as $column_name => $referenced) {
            $sql_storage_column = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
            $current['foreign keys'][$real_name]['columns'][$sql_storage_column] = $referenced;
    // Construct the revision table.
    $revision = $current;
    $revision['description'] = "Revision archive storage for {$deleted}field {$field['id']} ({$field['field_name']})";
    $revision['primary key'] = array(
    $revision['fields']['revision_id']['not null'] = TRUE;
    $revision['fields']['revision_id']['description'] = 'The entity revision id this data is attached to';
    return array(
        _field_sql_storage_tablename($field) => $current,
        _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field) => $revision,

 * Implements hook_field_storage_create_field().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_create_field($field) {
    $schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($field);
    foreach ($schema as $name => $table) {
        db_create_table($name, $table);
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_field_update_forbid().
 * Forbid any field update that changes column definitions if there is
 * any data.
function field_sql_storage_field_update_forbid($field, $prior_field, $has_data) {
    if ($has_data && $field['columns'] != $prior_field['columns']) {
        throw new FieldUpdateForbiddenException("field_sql_storage cannot change the schema for an existing field with data.");

 * Implements hook_field_storage_update_field().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_update_field($field, $prior_field, $has_data) {
    if (!$has_data) {
        // There is no data. Re-create the tables completely.
        if (Database::getConnection()->supportsTransactionalDDL()) {
            // If the database supports transactional DDL, we can go ahead and rely
            // on it. If not, we will have to rollback manually if something fails.
            $transaction = db_transaction();
        try {
            $prior_schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($prior_field);
            foreach ($prior_schema as $name => $table) {
                db_drop_table($name, $table);
            $schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($field);
            foreach ($schema as $name => $table) {
                db_create_table($name, $table);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            if (Database::getConnection()->supportsTransactionalDDL()) {
            else {
                // Recreate tables.
                $prior_schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($prior_field);
                foreach ($prior_schema as $name => $table) {
                    if (!db_table_exists($name)) {
                        db_create_table($name, $table);
            throw $e;
    else {
        // There is data, so there are no column changes. Drop all the
        // prior indexes and create all the new ones, except for all the
        // priors that exist unchanged.
        $table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($prior_field);
        $revision_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($prior_field);
        foreach ($prior_field['indexes'] as $name => $columns) {
            if (!isset($field['indexes'][$name]) || $columns != $field['indexes'][$name]) {
                $real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $name);
                db_drop_index($table, $real_name);
                db_drop_index($revision_table, $real_name);
        $table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
        $revision_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
        foreach ($field['indexes'] as $name => $columns) {
            if (!isset($prior_field['indexes'][$name]) || $columns != $prior_field['indexes'][$name]) {
                $real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $name);
                $real_columns = array();
                foreach ($columns as $column_name) {
                    // Indexes can be specified as either a column name or an array with
                    // column name and length. Allow for either case.
                    if (is_array($column_name)) {
                        $real_columns[] = array(
                            _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name[0]),
                    else {
                        $real_columns[] = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
                db_add_index($table, $real_name, $real_columns);
                db_add_index($revision_table, $real_name, $real_columns);
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_field_storage_delete_field().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_field($field) {
    // Mark all data associated with the field for deletion.
    $field['deleted'] = 0;
    $table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
    $revision_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
        'deleted' => 1,
    // Move the table to a unique name while the table contents are being deleted.
    $field['deleted'] = 1;
    $new_table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
    $revision_new_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
    db_rename_table($table, $new_table);
    db_rename_table($revision_table, $revision_new_table);
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_field_storage_load().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_load($entity_type, $entities, $age, $fields, $options) {
    $load_current = $age == FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT;
    foreach ($fields as $field_id => $ids) {
        // By the time this hook runs, the relevant field definitions have been
        // populated and cached in FieldInfo, so calling field_info_field_by_id()
        // on each field individually is more efficient than loading all fields in
        // memory upfront with field_info_field_by_ids().
        $field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
        $field_name = $field['field_name'];
        $table = $load_current ? _field_sql_storage_tablename($field) : _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
        $query = db_select($table, 't')->fields('t')
            ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
            ->condition($load_current ? 'entity_id' : 'revision_id', $ids, 'IN')
            ->condition('language', field_available_languages($entity_type, $field), 'IN')
        if (empty($options['deleted'])) {
            $query->condition('deleted', 0);
        $results = $query->execute();
        $delta_count = array();
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            if (!isset($delta_count[$row->entity_id][$row->language])) {
                $delta_count[$row->entity_id][$row->language] = 0;
            if ($field['cardinality'] == FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED || $delta_count[$row->entity_id][$row->language] < $field['cardinality']) {
                $item = array();
                // For each column declared by the field, populate the item
                // from the prefixed database column.
                foreach ($field['columns'] as $column => $attributes) {
                    $column_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field_name, $column);
                    $item[$column] = $row->{$column_name};
                // Add the item to the field values for the entity.
                $entities[$row->entity_id]->{$field_name}[$row->language][] = $item;

 * Callback for array_filter().
function _field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter_callback($value) {
    return NULL !== $value && '' !== $value;

 * Cleanup field values for later values comparison.
 * @param array $field
 *   Field info as returned by field_info_field_by_id().
 * @param array $array
 *   Field values to cleanup.
 * @return array
 *   Filtered values.
function _field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter($field, $array) {
    foreach ($array as $language => $items) {
        if (empty($items)) {
        else {
            foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
                // This should not happen but some modules provide invalid data to the
                // field API.
                if (!is_array($item)) {
                // Let's start by pruning empty values and non storable values.
                $array[$language][$delta] = array_filter(array_intersect_key($item, $field['columns']), '_field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter_callback');
                // Ordering is important because for widget elements and loaded columns
                // from database order might differ and give false positives on field
                // value change, especially with complex fields such as image fields.
    return $array;

 * Compare a single field value for both entities and tell us if it changed.
 * @param array $field
 *   Loaded field structure.
 * @param object $entity1
 *   First entity to compare.
 * @param object $entity2
 *   Second entity to compare.
 * @return bool
 *   True if field value changed, false otherwise.
function _field_sql_storage_write_compare($field, $entity1, $entity2) {
    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
    if (empty($entity1->{$field_name}) && empty($entity2->{$field_name})) {
        // Both are empty we can safely assume that it did not change.
        return FALSE;
    if (!isset($entity1->{$field_name}) || !isset($entity2->{$field_name})) {
        // One of them is missing but not the other the value changed.
        return TRUE;
    // We need to proceed to deep array comparison, but we cannot do it naively:
    // in most cases the field values come from the edit form, and some Form API
    // widget values that are not field columns may be present. We need to clean
    // up both original and new field values before comparison.
    $items1 = _field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter($field, (array) $entity1->{$field_name});
    $items2 = _field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter($field, (array) $entity2->{$field_name});
    return $items1 != $items2;

 * Implements hook_field_storage_write().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_write($entity_type, $entity, $op, $fields) {
    list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    if (!isset($vid)) {
        $vid = $id;
    // Check if the given entity is a new revision or not. In case of a new
    // revision creation, we cannot skip any field.
    if (!empty($vid) && !empty($entity->original)) {
        list(, $original_vid) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity->original);
        if (NULL === $original_vid) {
            $original_vid = $id;
        $is_new_revision = $original_vid != $vid;
    else {
        $is_new_revision = FALSE;
    // Allow this optimization to be optional.
    $skip_unchanged_fields = variable_get('field_sql_storage_skip_writing_unchanged_fields', FALSE);
    foreach ($fields as $field_id) {
        $field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
        if ($skip_unchanged_fields && !$is_new_revision && !empty($entity->original) && !_field_sql_storage_write_compare($field, $entity, $entity->original)) {
        $field_name = $field['field_name'];
        $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
        $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
        $all_languages = field_available_languages($entity_type, $field);
        $field_languages = array_intersect($all_languages, array_keys((array) $entity->{$field_name}));
        // Delete and insert, rather than update, in case a value was added.
        if ($op == FIELD_STORAGE_UPDATE) {
            // Delete languages present in the incoming $entity->$field_name.
            // Delete all languages if $entity->$field_name is empty.
            $languages = !empty($entity->{$field_name}) ? $field_languages : $all_languages;
            if ($languages) {
                db_delete($table_name)->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
                    ->condition('entity_id', $id)
                    ->condition('language', $languages, 'IN')
                db_delete($revision_name)->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
                    ->condition('entity_id', $id)
                    ->condition('revision_id', $vid)
                    ->condition('language', $languages, 'IN')
        // Prepare the multi-insert query.
        $do_insert = FALSE;
        $columns = array(
        foreach ($field['columns'] as $column => $attributes) {
            $columns[] = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field_name, $column);
        $query = db_insert($table_name)->fields($columns);
        $revision_query = db_insert($revision_name)->fields($columns);
        foreach ($field_languages as $langcode) {
            $items = (array) $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode];
            $delta_count = 0;
            foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
                // We now know we have something to insert.
                $do_insert = TRUE;
                $record = array(
                    'entity_type' => $entity_type,
                    'entity_id' => $id,
                    'revision_id' => $vid,
                    'bundle' => $bundle,
                    'delta' => $delta,
                    'language' => $langcode,
                foreach ($field['columns'] as $column => $attributes) {
                    $record[_field_sql_storage_columnname($field_name, $column)] = isset($item[$column]) ? $item[$column] : NULL;
                if (isset($vid)) {
                if ($field['cardinality'] != FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED && ++$delta_count == $field['cardinality']) {
        // Execute the query if we have values to insert.
        if ($do_insert) {

 * Implements hook_field_storage_delete().
 * This function deletes data for all fields for an entity from the database.
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete($entity_type, $entity, $fields) {
    list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle) as $instance) {
        if (isset($fields[$instance['field_id']])) {
            $field = field_info_field_by_id($instance['field_id']);
            field_sql_storage_field_storage_purge($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance);

 * Implements hook_field_storage_purge().
 * This function deletes data from the database for a single field on
 * an entity.
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_purge($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance) {
    list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
    $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
    db_delete($table_name)->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->condition('entity_id', $id)
    db_delete($revision_name)->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->condition('entity_id', $id)

 * Implements hook_field_storage_query().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_query(EntityFieldQuery $query) {
    if ($query->age == FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT) {
        $tablename_function = '_field_sql_storage_tablename';
        $id_key = 'entity_id';
    else {
        $tablename_function = '_field_sql_storage_revision_tablename';
        $id_key = 'revision_id';
    $table_aliases = array();
    $query_tables = NULL;
    // Add tables for the fields used.
    foreach ($query->fields as $key => $field) {
        $tablename = $tablename_function($field);
        $table_alias = _field_sql_storage_tablealias($tablename, $key, $query);
        $table_aliases[$key] = $table_alias;
        if ($key) {
            if (!isset($query_tables[$table_alias])) {
                $select_query->join($tablename, $table_alias, "{$table_alias}.entity_type = {$field_base_table}.entity_type AND {$table_alias}.{$id_key} = {$field_base_table}.{$id_key}");
        else {
            $select_query = db_select($tablename, $table_alias);
            // Store a reference to the list of joined tables.
            $query_tables =& $select_query->getTables();
            // Allow queries internal to the Field API to opt out of the access
            // check, for situations where the query's results should not depend on
            // the access grants for the current user.
            if (!isset($query->tags['DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'])) {
            $select_query->addMetaData('base_table', $tablename);
            $select_query->fields($table_alias, array(
            $field_base_table = $table_alias;
        if ($field['cardinality'] != 1 || $field['translatable']) {
    // Add field conditions. We need a fresh grouping cache.
    _field_sql_storage_query_field_conditions($query, $select_query, $query->fieldConditions, $table_aliases, '_field_sql_storage_columnname');
    // Add field meta conditions.
    _field_sql_storage_query_field_conditions($query, $select_query, $query->fieldMetaConditions, $table_aliases, '_field_sql_storage_query_columnname');
    if (isset($query->deleted)) {
        $select_query->condition("{$field_base_table}.deleted", (int) $query->deleted);
    // Is there a need to sort the query by property?
    $has_property_order = FALSE;
    foreach ($query->order as $order) {
        if ($order['type'] == 'property') {
            $has_property_order = TRUE;
    if ($query->propertyConditions || $has_property_order) {
        if (empty($query->entityConditions['entity_type']['value'])) {
            throw new EntityFieldQueryException('Property conditions and orders must have an entity type defined.');
        $entity_type = $query->entityConditions['entity_type']['value'];
        $entity_base_table = _field_sql_storage_query_join_entity($select_query, $entity_type, $field_base_table);
        $query->entityConditions['entity_type']['operator'] = '=';
        foreach ($query->propertyConditions as $property_condition) {
            $query->addCondition($select_query, "{$entity_base_table}." . $property_condition['column'], $property_condition);
    foreach ($query->entityConditions as $key => $condition) {
        $query->addCondition($select_query, "{$field_base_table}.{$key}", $condition);
    // Order the query.
    foreach ($query->order as $order) {
        if ($order['type'] == 'entity') {
            $key = $order['specifier'];
            $select_query->orderBy("{$field_base_table}.{$key}", $order['direction']);
        elseif ($order['type'] == 'field') {
            $specifier = $order['specifier'];
            $field = $specifier['field'];
            $table_alias = $table_aliases[$specifier['index']];
            $sql_field = "{$table_alias}." . _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $specifier['column']);
            $select_query->orderBy($sql_field, $order['direction']);
        elseif ($order['type'] == 'property') {
            $select_query->orderBy("{$entity_base_table}." . $order['specifier'], $order['direction']);
    return $query->finishQuery($select_query, $id_key);

 * Adds the base entity table to a field query object.
 * @param SelectQuery $select_query
 *   A SelectQuery containing at least one table as specified by
 *   _field_sql_storage_tablename().
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The entity type for which the base table should be joined.
 * @param $field_base_table
 *   Name of a table in $select_query. As only INNER JOINs are used, it does
 *   not matter which.
 * @return
 *   The name of the entity base table joined in.
function _field_sql_storage_query_join_entity(SelectQuery $select_query, $entity_type, $field_base_table) {
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
    $entity_base_table = $entity_info['base table'];
    $entity_field = $entity_info['entity keys']['id'];
    $select_query->join($entity_base_table, $entity_base_table, "{$entity_base_table}.{$entity_field} = {$field_base_table}.entity_id");
    return $entity_base_table;

 * Adds field (meta) conditions to the given query objects respecting groupings.
 * @param EntityFieldQuery $query
 *   The field query object to be processed.
 * @param SelectQuery $select_query
 *   The SelectQuery that should get grouping conditions.
 * @param condtions
 *   The conditions to be added.
 * @param $table_aliases
 *   An associative array of table aliases keyed by field index.
 * @param $column_callback
 *   A callback that should return the column name to be used for the field
 *   conditions. Accepts a field name and a field column name as parameters.
function _field_sql_storage_query_field_conditions(EntityFieldQuery $query, SelectQuery $select_query, $conditions, $table_aliases, $column_callback) {
    $groups =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
    foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
        $table_alias = $table_aliases[$key];
        $field = $condition['field'];
        // Add the specified condition.
        $sql_field = "{$table_alias}." . $column_callback($field['field_name'], $condition['column']);
        $query->addCondition($select_query, $sql_field, $condition);
        // Add delta / language group conditions.
        foreach (array(
        ) as $column) {
            if (isset($condition[$column . '_group'])) {
                $group_name = $condition[$column . '_group'];
                if (!isset($groups[$column][$group_name])) {
                    $groups[$column][$group_name] = $table_alias;
                else {
                    $select_query->where("{$table_alias}.{$column} = " . $groups[$column][$group_name] . ".{$column}");

 * Field meta condition column callback.
function _field_sql_storage_query_columnname($field_name, $column) {
    return $column;

 * Implements hook_field_storage_delete_revision().
 * This function actually deletes the data from the database.
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_revision($entity_type, $entity, $fields) {
    list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    if (isset($vid)) {
        foreach ($fields as $field_id) {
            $field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
            $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
            db_delete($revision_name)->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
                ->condition('entity_id', $id)
                ->condition('revision_id', $vid)

 * Implements hook_field_storage_delete_instance().
 * This function simply marks for deletion all data associated with the field.
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_instance($instance) {
    $field = field_info_field($instance['field_name']);
    $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
    $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
        'deleted' => 1,
        ->condition('entity_type', $instance['entity_type'])
        ->condition('bundle', $instance['bundle'])
        'deleted' => 1,
        ->condition('entity_type', $instance['entity_type'])
        ->condition('bundle', $instance['bundle'])

 * Implements hook_field_attach_rename_bundle().
function field_sql_storage_field_attach_rename_bundle($entity_type, $bundle_old, $bundle_new) {
    // We need to account for deleted or inactive fields and instances.
    $instances = field_read_instances(array(
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'bundle' => $bundle_new,
    ), array(
        'include_deleted' => TRUE,
        'include_inactive' => TRUE,
    foreach ($instances as $instance) {
        $field = field_info_field_by_id($instance['field_id']);
        if ($field['storage']['type'] == 'field_sql_storage') {
            $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
            $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
                'bundle' => $bundle_new,
                ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
                ->condition('bundle', $bundle_old)
                'bundle' => $bundle_new,
                ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
                ->condition('bundle', $bundle_old)

 * Implements hook_field_storage_purge_field().
 * All field data items and instances have already been purged, so all
 * that is left is to delete the table.
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_purge_field($field) {
    $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
    $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);

 * Implements hook_field_storage_details().
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_details($field) {
    $details = array();
    if (!empty($field['columns'])) {
        // Add field columns.
        foreach ($field['columns'] as $column_name => $attributes) {
            $real_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
            $columns[$column_name] = $real_name;
        return array(
            'sql' => array(
                FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT => array(
                    _field_sql_storage_tablename($field) => $columns,
                FIELD_LOAD_REVISION => array(
                    _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field) => $columns,


Title Deprecated Summary
field_sql_storage_field_attach_rename_bundle Implements hook_field_attach_rename_bundle().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_create_field Implements hook_field_storage_create_field().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete Implements hook_field_storage_delete().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_field Implements hook_field_storage_delete_field().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_instance Implements hook_field_storage_delete_instance().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_revision Implements hook_field_storage_delete_revision().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_details Implements hook_field_storage_details().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_info Implements hook_field_storage_info().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_load Implements hook_field_storage_load().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_purge Implements hook_field_storage_purge().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_purge_field Implements hook_field_storage_purge_field().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_query Implements hook_field_storage_query().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_update_field Implements hook_field_storage_update_field().
field_sql_storage_field_storage_write Implements hook_field_storage_write().
field_sql_storage_field_update_forbid Implements hook_field_update_forbid().
field_sql_storage_help Implements hook_help().
_field_sql_storage_columnname Generate a column name for a field data table.
_field_sql_storage_indexname Generate an index name for a field data table.
_field_sql_storage_query_columnname Field meta condition column callback.
_field_sql_storage_query_field_conditions Adds field (meta) conditions to the given query objects respecting groupings.
_field_sql_storage_query_join_entity Adds the base entity table to a field query object.
_field_sql_storage_revision_tablename Generate a table name for a field revision archive table.
_field_sql_storage_schema Return the database schema for a field. This may contain one or more tables. Each table will contain the columns relevant for the specified field. Leave the $field's 'columns' and 'indexes' keys empty to get only the base schema.
_field_sql_storage_tablealias Generates a table alias for a field data table.
_field_sql_storage_tablename Generate a table name for a field data table.
_field_sql_storage_write_compare Compare a single field value for both entities and tell us if it changed.
_field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter Cleanup field values for later values comparison.
_field_sql_storage_write_compare_filter_callback Callback for array_filter().

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