function theme_file_icon

Returns HTML for an image with an appropriate icon for the given file.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • file: A file object for which to make an icon.
  • icon_directory: (optional) A path to a directory of icons to be used for files. Defaults to the value of the "file_icon_directory" variable.
  • alt: (optional) The alternative text to represent the icon in text-based browsers. Defaults to an empty string.

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1 theme call to theme_file_icon()
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Returns HTML for a link to a file.


modules/file/file.module, line 862


function theme_file_icon($variables) {
    $file = $variables['file'];
    $alt = $variables['alt'];
    $icon_directory = $variables['icon_directory'];
    $mime = check_plain($file->filemime);
    $icon_url = file_icon_url($file, $icon_directory);
    return '<img class="file-icon" alt="' . check_plain($alt) . '" title="' . $mime . '" src="' . $icon_url . '" />';

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