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Title Object type File name Summary
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalLogin function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Log in a user with the internal browser.
hook_user_login function modules/user/user.api.php The user just logged in.
MenuRouterTestCase::testAuthUserUserLogin function modules/simpletest/tests/menu.test Test that an authenticated user hitting 'user/login' gets redirected to
'user' and 'user/register' gets redirected to the user edit page.
MenuRouterTestCase::testMaintenanceModeLoginPaths function modules/simpletest/tests/menu.test Make sure the maintenance mode can be bypassed using hook_menu_site_status_alter().
menu_login_callback function modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module Menu callback to be used as a login path.
OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testBlockedUserLogin function modules/openid/openid.test Test that a blocked user cannot log in.
OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testLogin function modules/openid/openid.test Test login using OpenID.
OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testLoginMaintenanceMode function modules/openid/openid.test Test login using OpenID during maintenance mode.
OpenIDWebTestCase::submitLoginForm function modules/openid/openid.test Initiates the login procedure using the specified User-supplied Identity.
openid_form_user_login_alter function modules/openid/openid.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
openid_form_user_login_block_alter function modules/openid/openid.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
openid_login_validate function modules/openid/openid.module Login form _validate hook
openid_user_login function modules/openid/openid.module Implements hook_user_login().
session_test_form_user_login_alter function modules/simpletest/tests/session_test.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
session_test_user_login function modules/simpletest/tests/session_test.module Implements hook_user().
system_user_login function modules/system/system.module Implements hook_user_login().
trigger_user_login function modules/trigger/trigger.module Implements hook_user_login().
UserBlocksUnitTests::testUserLoginBlock function modules/user/user.test Test the user login block.
UserLoginTestCase class modules/user/user.test Functional tests for user logins, including rate limiting of login attempts.
UserLoginTestCase::assertFailedLogin function modules/user/user.test Make an unsuccessful login attempt.
UserLoginTestCase::getInfo function modules/user/user.test
UserLoginTestCase::setUp function modules/user/user.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
UserLoginTestCase::testGlobalLoginFloodControl function modules/user/user.test Test the global login flood control.
UserLoginTestCase::testLoginWithAnonSession function modules/user/user.test Test logging in when an anon session already exists.
UserLoginTestCase::testPasswordRehashOnLogin function modules/user/user.test Test that user password is re-hashed upon login after changing $count_log2.
UserLoginTestCase::testPerUserLoginFloodControl function modules/user/user.test Test the per-user login flood control.
UserPasswordResetTestCase::testUserDirectLogin function modules/user/user.test Test direct login link that bypasses the password reset form.
user_external_login_register function modules/user/user.module Helper function for authentication modules. Either logs in or registers
the current user, based on username. Either way, the global $user object is
populated and login tasks are performed.
user_login function modules/user/user.module Form builder; the main user login form.
user_login_authenticate_validate function modules/user/user.module A validate handler on the login form. Check supplied username/password
against local users table. If successful, $form_state['uid']
is set to the matching user ID.
user_login_block function modules/user/user.module
user_login_default_validators function modules/user/user.module Set up a series for validators which check for blocked users,
then authenticate against local database, then return an error if
authentication fails. Distributed authentication modules are welcome
to use hook_form_alter() to change this series in…
user_login_destination function modules/user/user.module Helper function to rewrite the destination to avoid redirecting to login page after login.
user_login_finalize function modules/user/user.module Finalize the login process. Must be called when logging in a user.
user_login_final_validate function modules/user/user.module The final validation handler on the login form.
user_login_name_validate function modules/user/user.module A FAPI validate handler. Sets an error if supplied username has been blocked.
user_login_submit function modules/user/user.module Submit handler for the login form. Load $user object and perform standard login
tasks. The user is then redirected to the My Account page. Setting the
destination in the query string overrides the redirect.
_openid_user_login_form_alter function modules/openid/openid.module

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