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lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Extension/ Discovery/ RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator.php
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namespace Drupal\Core\Extension\Discovery;
* Filters a RecursiveDirectoryIterator to discover extensions.
* To ensure the best possible performance for extension discovery, this
* filter implementation hard-codes a range of assumptions about directories
* in which Drupal extensions may appear and in which not. Every unnecessary
* subdirectory tree recursion is avoided.
* The list of globally ignored directory names is defined in the
* RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator::$blacklist property.
* In addition, all 'config' directories are skipped, unless the directory path
* ends with 'modules/config', so as to still find the config module provided by
* Drupal core and still allow that module to be overridden with a custom config
* module.
* Lastly, ExtensionDiscovery instructs this filter to additionally skip all
* 'tests' directories at regular runtime, since just with Drupal core only, the
* discovery process yields 4x more extensions when tests are not ignored.
* @see ExtensionDiscovery::scan()
* @see ExtensionDiscovery::scanDirectory()
* @todo Use RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator instead of the $acceptTests
* parameter forwarding once PHP 5.4 is available.
class RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator extends \RecursiveFilterIterator {
* List of base extension type directory names to scan.
* Only these directory names are considered when starting a filesystem
* recursion in a search path.
* @var array
protected $whitelist = [
* List of directory names to skip when recursing.
* These directories are globally ignored in the recursive filesystem scan;
* i.e., extensions (of all types) are not able to use any of these names,
* because their directory names will be skipped.
* @var array
protected $blacklist = [
// Object-oriented code subdirectories.
// Front-end.
// Legacy subdirectories.
// Test subdirectories.
// @todo ./tests/Drupal should be ./tests/src/Drupal
* Whether to include test directories when recursing.
* @var bool
protected $acceptTests = FALSE;
* Construct a RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator.
* @param \RecursiveIterator $iterator
* The iterator to filter.
* @param array $blacklist
* (optional) Add to the blacklist of directories that should be filtered
* out during the iteration.
public function __construct(\RecursiveIterator $iterator, array $blacklist = []) {
$this->blacklist = array_merge($this->blacklist, $blacklist);
* Controls whether test directories will be scanned.
* @param bool $flag
* Pass FALSE to skip all test directories in the discovery. If TRUE,
* extensions in test directories will be discovered and only the global
* directory blacklist in RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator::$blacklist is
* applied.
public function acceptTests($flag = FALSE) {
$this->acceptTests = $flag;
if (!$this->acceptTests) {
$this->blacklist[] = 'tests';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getChildren() {
$filter = parent::getChildren();
// Pass on the blacklist.
$filter->blacklist = $this->blacklist;
// Pass the $acceptTests flag forward to child iterators.
return $filter;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function accept() {
$name = $this->current()
// FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS only skips '.' and '..', but not hidden
// directories (like '.git').
if ($name[0] == '.') {
return FALSE;
if ($this->isDir()) {
// If this is a subdirectory of a base search path, only recurse into the
// fixed list of expected extension type directory names. Required for
// scanning the top-level/root directory; without this condition, we would
// recurse into the whole filesystem tree that possibly contains other
// files aside from Drupal.
if ($this->current()
->getSubPath() == '') {
return in_array($name, $this->whitelist, TRUE);
// 'config' directories are special-cased here, because every extension
// contains one. However, those default configuration directories cannot
// contain extensions. The directory name cannot be globally skipped,
// because core happens to have a directory of an actual module that is
// named 'config'. By explicitly testing for that case, we can skip all
// other config directories, and at the same time, still allow the core
// config module to be overridden/replaced in a profile/site directory
// (whereas it must be located directly in a modules directory).
if ($name == 'config') {
return substr($this->current()
->getPathname(), -14) == 'modules/config';
// Accept the directory unless the name is blacklisted.
return !in_array($name, $this->blacklist, TRUE);
else {
// Only accept extension info files.
return substr($name, -9) == '.info.yml';
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator | Filters a RecursiveDirectoryIterator to discover extensions. |
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