function ConfigSingleImportForm::validateForm

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::validateForm()
  2. 10 core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::validateForm()
  3. 11.x core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::validateForm()

Overrides FormBase::validateForm


core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php, line 311


Provides a form for importing a single configuration file.




public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    // The confirmation step needs no additional validation.
    if ($this->data) {
    try {
        // Decode the submitted import.
        $data = Yaml::decode($form_state->getValue('import'));
    } catch (InvalidDataTypeException $e) {
        $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('The import failed with the following message: %message', [
            '%message' => $e->getMessage(),
    // Validate for config entities.
    if ($form_state->getValue('config_type') && $form_state->getValue('config_type') !== 'system.simple') {
        $definition = $this->entityTypeManager
        $id_key = $definition->getKey('id');
        // If a custom entity ID is specified, override the value in the
        // configuration data being imported.
        if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('custom_entity_id')) {
            $data[$id_key] = $form_state->getValue('custom_entity_id');
        $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
        // If an entity ID was not specified, set an error.
        if (!isset($data[$id_key])) {
            $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('Missing ID key "@id_key" for this @entity_type import.', [
                '@id_key' => $id_key,
                '@entity_type' => $definition->getLabel(),
        $config_name = $definition->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $data[$id_key];
        // If there is an existing entity, ensure matching ID and UUID.
        if ($entity = $entity_storage->load($data[$id_key])) {
            $this->configExists = $entity;
            if (!isset($data['uuid'])) {
                $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('An entity with this machine name already exists but the import did not specify a UUID.'));
            if ($data['uuid'] !== $entity->uuid()) {
                $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('An entity with this machine name already exists but the UUID does not match.'));
        elseif (isset($data['uuid']) && $entity_storage->loadByProperties([
            'uuid' => $data['uuid'],
        ])) {
            $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('An entity with this UUID already exists but the machine name does not match.'));
    else {
        $config_name = $form_state->getValue('config_name');
        $config = $this->config($config_name);
        $this->configExists = !$config->isNew() ? $config : FALSE;
    // Use ConfigImporter validation.
    if (!$form_state->getErrors()) {
        $source_storage = new StorageReplaceDataWrapper($this->configStorage);
        $source_storage->replaceData($config_name, $data);
        $storage_comparer = new StorageComparer($source_storage, $this->configStorage);
        if (!$storage_comparer->hasChanges()) {
            $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->t('There are no changes to import.'));
        else {
            $config_importer = new ConfigImporter($storage_comparer, $this->eventDispatcher, $this->configManager, $this->lock, $this->typedConfigManager, $this->moduleHandler, $this->moduleInstaller, $this->themeHandler, $this->getStringTranslation(), $this->moduleExtensionList, $this->themeExtensionList);
            try {
                $form_state->set('config_importer', $config_importer);
            } catch (ConfigImporterException $e) {
                // There are validation errors.
                $item_list = [
                    '#theme' => 'item_list',
                    '#items' => $config_importer->getErrors(),
                    '#title' => $this->t('The configuration cannot be imported because it failed validation for the following reasons:'),
                $form_state->setErrorByName('import', $this->renderer
    // Store the decoded version of the submitted import.
    $form_state->setValueForElement($form['import'], $data);

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