function FilterAPITest::testFilterFormatAPI

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php \Drupal\Tests\filter\Kernel\FilterAPITest::testFilterFormatAPI()
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php \Drupal\Tests\filter\Kernel\FilterAPITest::testFilterFormatAPI()
  3. 10 core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php \Drupal\Tests\filter\Kernel\FilterAPITest::testFilterFormatAPI()

Tests that HTML restrictions and filter types are correct.

@covers \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat::getHtmlRestrictions @covers \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat::getFilterTypes


core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php, line 95


Tests the behavior of the API of the Filter module.




public function testFilterFormatAPI() : void {
    // Test on filtered_html.
    $filtered_html_format = FilterFormat::load('filtered_html');
    $this->assertSame($filtered_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
        'allowed' => [
            'p' => FALSE,
            'br' => FALSE,
            'strong' => FALSE,
            'a' => [
                'href' => TRUE,
                'hreflang' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'style' => FALSE,
                'on*' => FALSE,
                'lang' => TRUE,
                'dir' => [
                    'ltr' => TRUE,
                    'rtl' => TRUE,
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the filtered_html format.');
    $this->assertSame($filtered_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the filtered_html format.');
    // Test on full_html.
    $full_html_format = FilterFormat::load('full_html');
    $this->assertSame($full_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), FALSE, 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the full_html format.');
    $this->assertSame($full_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the full_html format.');
    // Test on stupid_filtered_html, where nothing is allowed.
    $stupid_filtered_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
        'format' => 'stupid_filtered_html',
        'name' => 'Stupid Filtered HTML',
        'filters' => [
            'filter_html' => [
                'status' => 1,
                'settings' => [
                    // Nothing is allowed.
'allowed_html' => '',
    $this->assertSame($stupid_filtered_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
        'allowed' => [
            '*' => [
                'style' => FALSE,
                'on*' => FALSE,
                'lang' => TRUE,
                'dir' => [
                    'ltr' => TRUE,
                    'rtl' => TRUE,
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the stupid_filtered_html format.');
    $this->assertSame($stupid_filtered_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the stupid_filtered_html format.');
    // Test on very_restricted_html, where there's two different filters of the
    // FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR type, each restricting in different ways.
    $very_restricted_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
        'format' => 'very_restricted_html',
        'name' => 'Very Restricted HTML',
        'filters' => [
            'filter_html' => [
                'status' => 1,
                'settings' => [
                    'allowed_html' => '<p> <br> <a href> <strong>',
            'filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes' => [
                'status' => 1,
                'settings' => [
                    'restrictions' => [
                        'allowed' => [
                            'p' => TRUE,
                            'br' => FALSE,
                            'a' => [
                                'href' => TRUE,
                            'em' => TRUE,
    $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
        'allowed' => [
            'p' => FALSE,
            'br' => FALSE,
            'a' => [
                'href' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'style' => FALSE,
                'on*' => FALSE,
                'lang' => TRUE,
                'dir' => [
                    'ltr' => TRUE,
                    'rtl' => TRUE,
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');
    $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');
    // Test on nonsensical_restricted_html, where the allowed attribute values
    // contain asterisks, which do not have any meaning, but which we also
    // cannot prevent because configuration can be modified outside of forms.
    $nonsensical_restricted_html = FilterFormat::create([
        'format' => 'nonsensical_restricted_html',
        'name' => 'Nonsensical Restricted HTML',
        'filters' => [
            'filter_html' => [
                'status' => 1,
                'settings' => [
                    'allowed_html' => '<a> <b class> <c class="*"> <d class="foo bar-* *"> <e *>',
    $this->assertSame($nonsensical_restricted_html->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
        'allowed' => [
            'a' => FALSE,
            'b' => [
                'class' => TRUE,
            'c' => [
                'class' => TRUE,
            'd' => [
                'class' => [
                    'foo' => TRUE,
                    'bar-*' => TRUE,
            'e' => [
                '*' => TRUE,
            '*' => [
                'style' => FALSE,
                'on*' => FALSE,
                'lang' => TRUE,
                'dir' => [
                    'ltr' => TRUE,
                    'rtl' => TRUE,
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the nonsensical_restricted_html format.');
    $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
    ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');

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