
Same filename in this branch
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/media_library/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditorIntegrationTest.php
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/ckeditor/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditorIntegrationTest.php
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/ckeditor/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditorIntegrationTest.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\media\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ContentLanguageSettings;
use Drupal\media\Entity\Media;
use Drupal\Tests\ckeditor\Traits\CKEditorTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\media\Traits\MediaTypeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewMode;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\media\Plugin\CKEditorPlugin\DrupalMedia
 * @group media
class CKEditorIntegrationTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
    use CKEditorTestTrait;
    use MediaTypeCreationTrait;
    use TestFileCreationTrait;
     * The user to use during testing.
     * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
    protected $adminUser;
     * The sample Media entity to embed.
     * @var \Drupal\media\MediaInterface
    protected $media;
     * A host entity with a body field to embed media in.
     * @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
    protected $host;
     * The character code for the return key.
     * @var int
    const RETURN_KEY = 13;
     * The character code for the space bar.
     * @var int
    const SPACE_BAR = 32;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {
            'format' => 'test_format',
            'name' => 'Test format',
            'filters' => [
                'filter_align' => [
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'filter_caption' => [
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'media_embed' => [
                    'status' => TRUE,
            'editor' => 'ckeditor',
            'format' => 'test_format',
            'settings' => [
                'toolbar' => [
                    'rows' => [
                                'name' => 'All the things',
                                'items' => [
        // Note that media_install() grants 'view media' to all users by default.
        $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'use text format test_format',
            'bypass node access',
        // Create a sample media entity to be embedded.
        $this->createMediaType('image', [
            'id' => 'image',
            'uri' => $this->getTestFiles('image')[0]->uri,
        $this->media = Media::create([
            'bundle' => 'image',
            'name' => 'Screaming hairy armadillo',
            'field_media_image' => [
                    'target_id' => 1,
                    'alt' => 'default alt',
                    'title' => 'default title',
        // Create a sample host entity to embed media in.
            'type' => 'blog',
        $this->host = $this->createNode([
            'type' => 'blog',
            'title' => 'Animals with strange names',
            'body' => [
                'value' => '<drupal-media data-caption="baz" data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->media
                    ->uuid() . '"></drupal-media>',
                'format' => 'test_format',
     * Tests that only <drupal-media> tags are processed.
     * @see \Drupal\Tests\media\Kernel\MediaEmbedFilterTest::testOnlyDrupalMediaTagProcessed()
    public function testOnlyDrupalMediaTagProcessed() {
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace('drupal-media', 'p', $original_value);
        // Assert that `<p data-* …>` is not upcast into a CKEditor Widget.
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]', 1000));
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'figure');
        $this->host->body->value = $original_value;
        // Assert that `<drupal-media data-* …>` is upcast into a CKEditor Widget.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figure');
     * Tests that failed media embed preview requests inform the end user.
    public function testErrorMessages() {
        // Assert that a request to the `media.filter.preview` route that does not
        // result in a 200 response (due to server error or network error) is
        // handled in the JavaScript by displaying the expected error message.
        // @see core/modules/media/js/media_embed_ckeditor.theme.js
        // @see core/modules/media/js/plugins/drupalmedia/plugin.js
            ->set('test_media_filter_controller_throw_error', TRUE);
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]', 1000));
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'figure');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('An error occurred while trying to preview the media. Please save your work and reload this page.'));
        // Now assert that the error doesn't appear when the override to force an
        // error is removed.
            ->set('test_media_filter_controller_throw_error', FALSE);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        // There's a second kind of error message that comes from the back end
        // that happens when the media uuid can't be converted to a media preview.
        // In this case, the error will appear in a the themable
        // media-embed-error.html template.  We have a hook altering the css
        // classes to test the twi template is working properly and picking up our
        // extra class.
        // @see \Drupal\media\Plugin\Filter\MediaEmbed::renderMissingMediaIndicator()
        // @see core/modules/media/templates/media-embed-error.html.twig
        // @see media_test_ckeditor_preprocess_media_embed_error()
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace($this->media
            ->uuid(), 'invalid_uuid', $original_value);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'drupal-media figure.caption-drupal-media .this-error-message-is-themeable'));
        // Test when using the classy theme, an additional class is added in
        // classy/templates/content/media-embed-error.html.twig.
            ->set('default', 'classy')
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'drupal-media figure.caption-drupal-media'));
        // Test that restoring a valid UUID results in the media embed preview
        // displaying.
        $this->host->body->value = $original_value;
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'drupal-media figure.caption-drupal-media .this-error-message-is-themeable');
     * The CKEditor Widget must load a preview generated using the default theme.
    public function testPreviewUsesDefaultThemeAndIsClientCacheable() {
        // Make the node edit form use the admin theme, like on most Drupal sites.
            ->set('use_admin_theme', TRUE)
        // Allow the test user to view the admin theme.
            'view the administration theme',
        // Configure a different default and admin theme, like on most Drupal sites.
            ->set('default', 'stable')
            ->set('admin', 'classy')
        // Assert that when looking at an embedded entity in the CKEditor Widget,
        // the preview is generated using the default theme, not the admin theme.
        // @see media_test_ckeditor_entity_view_alter()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $element = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-embed-test-active-theme]');
        $this->assertSame('stable', $element->getAttribute('data-media-embed-test-active-theme'));
        // Assert that the first preview request transferred >500 B over the wire.
        // Then toggle source mode on and off. This causes the CKEditor widget to be
        // destroyed and then reconstructed. Assert that during this reconstruction,
        // a second request is sent. This second request should have transferred 0
        // bytes: the browser should have cached the response, thus resulting in a
        // much better user experience.
        $this->assertGreaterThan(500, $this->getLastPreviewRequestTransferSize());
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'textarea.cke_source'));
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $this->assertSame(0, $this->getLastPreviewRequestTransferSize());
     * Tests caption editing in the CKEditor widget.
    public function testEditableCaption() {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Test that setting caption to blank string doesn't break 'Edit media'
        // button.
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace('data-caption="baz"', 'data-caption=""', $original_value);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForButton('Edit media'));
        // Test `aria-label` attribute appears on the widget wrapper.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.cke_widget_drupalmedia[aria-label="Screaming hairy armadillo"]');
        $assert_session->elementContains('css', 'figcaption', '');
        $assert_session->elementAttributeContains('css', 'figcaption', 'data-placeholder', 'Enter caption here');
        // Test if you leave the caption blank, but change another attribute,
        // such as the alt text, the editable caption is still there and the edit
        // button still exists.
        $this->fillFieldInMetadataDialogAndSubmit('attributes[alt]', 'Mama, life had just begun');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt*="Mama, life had just begun"]'));
        $assert_session->buttonExists('Edit media');
        $assert_session->elementContains('css', 'figcaption', '');
        $assert_session->elementAttributeContains('css', 'figcaption', 'data-placeholder', 'Enter caption here');
        // Restore caption in saved body value.
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace('data-caption=""', 'data-caption="baz"', $original_value);
        // Assert that figcaption element exists within the drupal-media element.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($figcaption = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'drupal-media figcaption'));
        $this->assertSame('baz', $figcaption->getHtml());
        // Test that disabling the caption in the metadata dialog removes it
        // from the drupal-media element.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media'));
        // Wait for element to update without figcaption.
        $result = $page->waitFor(10, function () use ($drupal_media) {
            return empty($drupal_media->find('css', 'figcaption'));
        // Will be true if no figcaption exists within the drupal-media element.
        // Test that enabling the caption in the metadata dialog adds an editable
        // caption to the embedded media.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media figcaption'));
        // Type into the widget's caption element.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'figcaption'));
        $this->setCaption('Caught in a <strong>landslide</strong>! No escape from <em>reality</em>!');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figcaption > em');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figcaption > strong')
        // Select the <strong> element and unbold it.
        $this->clickPathLinkByTitleAttribute("strong element");
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figcaption > em');
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'figcaption > strong');
        // Select the <em> element and unitalicize it.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figcaption > em')
        $this->clickPathLinkByTitleAttribute("em element");
        // The "source" button should reveal the HTML source in a state matching
        // what is shown in the CKEditor widget.
        $source = $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'textarea.cke_source');
        $value = $source->getValue();
        $dom = Html::load($value);
        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
        $drupal_media = $xpath->query('//drupal-media')[0];
        $this->assertSame('Caught in a landslide! No escape from reality!', $drupal_media->getAttribute('data-caption'));
        // Change the caption by modifying the HTML source directly. When exiting
        // "source" mode, this should be respected.
        $poor_boy_text = "I'm just a <strong>poor boy</strong>, I need no sympathy!";
        $drupal_media->setAttribute("data-caption", $poor_boy_text);
        $figcaption = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'figcaption');
        $this->assertSame($poor_boy_text, $figcaption->getHtml());
        // Select the <strong> element that we just set in "source" mode. This
        // proves that it was indeed rendered by the CKEditor widget.
        $strong = $figcaption->find('css', 'strong');
        // Insert a link into the caption.
        $this->clickPathLinkByTitleAttribute("Caption element");
        $field = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//input[@name="attributes[href]"]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'button.form-submit')
        // Wait for the live preview in the CKEditor widget to finish loading, then
        // edit the link; no `data-cke-saved-href` attribute should exist on it.
        $figcaption = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'figcaption');
        $page = $this->getSession()
        // Wait for AJAX refresh.
        $page->waitFor(10, function () use ($figcaption) {
            return $figcaption->find('xpath', '//a[@href=""]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'a', $figcaption)
        $this->clickPathLinkByTitleAttribute("a element");
        $field = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//input[@name="attributes[href]"]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'button.form-submit')
        $figcaption = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'figcaption');
        $page = $this->getSession()
        // Wait for AJAX refresh.
        $page->waitFor(10, function () use ($figcaption) {
            return $figcaption->find('xpath', '//a[@href=""]');
        $source = $assert_session->elementExists('css', "textarea.cke_source");
        $value = $source->getValue();
        $this->assertStringContainsString('', $value);
        $this->assertStringNotContainsString('data-cke-saved-href', $value);
        // Save the entity.
        // Verify the saved entity when viewed also contains the captioned media.
        $link = $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figcaption > a');
        $this->assertSame('', $link->getAttribute('href'));
        $this->assertSame("I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy!", $link->getText());
        // Edit it again, type a different caption in the widget.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'figcaption'));
        $this->setCaption('Scaramouch, <em>Scaramouch</em>, will you do the <strong>Fandango</strong>?');
        // Erase the caption in the CKEditor Widget, verify the <figcaption> still
        // exists and contains placeholder text, then type something else.
        $assert_session->elementContains('css', 'figcaption', '');
        $assert_session->elementAttributeContains('css', 'figcaption', 'data-placeholder', 'Enter caption here');
        $assert_session->elementContains('css', 'figcaption', 'Fin.');
     * Test the EditorMediaDialog's form elements' #access logic.
    public function testDialogAccess() {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Enable `filter_html` without "alt", "data-align" or "data-caption"
        // attributes added to the drupal-media tag.
        $allowed_html = "<a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type='1 A I'> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id='jump-*'> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id> <drupal-media data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-view-mode>";
        $filter_format = FilterFormat::load('test_format');
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('filter_html', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            'settings' => [
                'allowed_html' => $allowed_html,
        // Test the validation of attributes in the dialog.  If the alt,
        // data-caption, and data-align attributes are not set on the drupal-media
        // tag, the respective fields shouldn't display in the dialog.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        // Test `aria-label` attribute appears on the widget wrapper.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.cke_widget_drupalmedia[aria-label="Screaming hairy armadillo"]');
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('There is nothing to configure for this media.');
        // The edit link for the format shouldn't appear unless the user has
        // permission to edit the text format.
        $assert_session->pageTextNotContains('Edit the text format Test format to modify the attributes that can be overridden.');
        // Now test the same thing with a user who has access to edit text formats.
        // An extra message containing a link to edit the text format should
        // appear.
        Role::load(RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID)->grantPermission('administer filters')
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('There is nothing to configure for this media. Edit the text format Test format to modify the attributes that can be overridden.');
        $assert_session->linkExists('Edit the text format Test format');
        // Now test that adding the attributes to the allowed HTML will allow
        // the fields to display in the dialog.
        $allowed_html = str_replace('<drupal-media data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-view-mode>', '<drupal-media alt data-align data-caption data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-view-mode>', $allowed_html);
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('filter_html', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            'settings' => [
                'allowed_html' => $allowed_html,
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // Test that setting the media image field to not display alt field also
        // disables it in the dialog.
        FieldConfig::loadByName('media', 'image', 'field_media_image')->setSetting('alt_field', FALSE)
        // @todo This manual cache clearing should not be necessary, fix in
        // Wait for preview.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // Test that enabling the alt field on the media image field restores
        // the field in the dialog.
        FieldConfig::loadByName('media', 'image', 'field_media_image')->setSetting('alt_field', TRUE)
        // @todo This manual cache clearing should not be necessary, fix in
        // Wait for preview.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // Test that disabling `filter_caption` and `filter_align` disables the
        // respective fields in the dialog.
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('filter_caption', [
            'status' => FALSE,
            ->setFilterConfig('filter_align', [
            'status' => FALSE,
        // Wait for preview.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // The alt field should be unaffected.
        // Test that enabling the two filters restores the fields in the dialog.
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('filter_caption', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            ->setFilterConfig('filter_align', [
            'status' => TRUE,
        // Wait for preview.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media', 2000));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        $assert_session->pageTextNotContains('There is nothing to configure for this media. Edit the text format Test format to modify the attributes that can be overridden.');
        // The alt field should be unaffected.
     * Tests the EditorMediaDialog can set the alt attribute.
    public function testAlt() {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Test that by default no alt attribute is present on the drupal-media
        // element.
        $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('alt', NULL);
        // Test that the preview shows the alt value from the media field's
        // alt text.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt*="default alt"]'));
        // Assert that the placeholder is set to the value of the media field's
        // alt text.
        $assert_session->elementAttributeContains('named', [
        ], 'placeholder', 'default alt');
        // Fill in the alt field, submit and return to CKEditor.
        $who_is_zartan = 'Zartan is the leader of the Dreadnoks.';
        $page->fillField('attributes[alt]', $who_is_zartan);
        // Assert that the img within the media embed within the CKEditor contains
        // the overridden alt text set in the dialog.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt*="' . $who_is_zartan . '"]'));
        // Test `aria-label` attribute appears on the widget wrapper.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.cke_widget_drupalmedia[aria-label="Screaming hairy armadillo"]');
        // Test that the downcast drupal-media element now has the alt attribute
        // entered in the dialog.
        $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('alt', $who_is_zartan);
        // The alt field should now display the override instead of the default.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('attributes[alt]', $who_is_zartan);
        // Test the process again with a different alt text to make sure it works
        // the second time around.
        $cobra_commander_bio = 'The supreme leader of the terrorist organization Cobra';
        // Set the alt field to the new alt text.
        $page->fillField('attributes[alt]', $cobra_commander_bio);
        // Assert that the img within the media embed preview
        // within the CKEditor contains the overridden alt text set in the dialog.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt*="' . $cobra_commander_bio . '"]'));
        // Test that the downcast drupal-media element now has the alt attribute
        // entered in the dialog.
        $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('alt', $cobra_commander_bio);
        // The default value of the alt field should now display the override
        // instead of the value on the media image field.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('attributes[alt]', $cobra_commander_bio);
        // Test that setting alt value to two double quotes will signal to the
        // MediaEmbed filter to unset the attribute on the media image field.
        // We intentionally add a space space after the two double quotes to test
        // the string is trimmed to two quotes.
        $page->fillField('attributes[alt]', '"" ');
        // Verify that the two double quote empty alt indicator ('""') set in
        // the dialog has successfully resulted in a media image field with the
        // alt attribute present but without a value.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt=""]'));
        // Test that the downcast drupal-media element's alt attribute now has the
        // empty string indicator.
        $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('alt', '""');
        // Test that setting alt to back to an empty string within the dialog will
        // restore the default alt value saved in to the media image field of the
        // media item.
        $page->fillField('attributes[alt]', '');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media img[alt*="default alt"]'));
        // Test that the downcast drupal-media element no longer has an alt
        // attribute.
        $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('alt', NULL);
     * Test that dialog loads appropriate translation's alt text.
    public function testTranslationAlt() {
            'id' => 'fr',
        ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('media', 'image')->setDefaultLangcode('en')
        $media = Media::create([
            'bundle' => 'image',
            'name' => 'Screaming hairy armadillo',
            'field_media_image' => [
                    'target_id' => 1,
                    'alt' => 'default alt',
                    'title' => 'default title',
        $media_fr = $media->addTranslation('fr');
        $media_fr->name = "Tatou poilu hurlant";
                'target_id' => '1',
                'alt' => "texte alternatif par défaut",
                'title' => "titre alternatif par défaut",
        ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('node', 'blog')->setDefaultLangcode('en')
        $host = $this->createNode([
            'type' => 'blog',
            'title' => 'Animals with strange names',
            'body' => [
                'value' => '<drupal-media data-caption="baz" data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="' . $media->uuid() . '"></drupal-media>',
                'format' => 'test_format',
        $translation = $host->addTranslation('fr');
        $translation->title = 'Animaux avec des noms étranges';
        $translation->body->value = $host->body->value;
        $translation->body->format = $host->body->format;
        Role::load(RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID)->grantPermission('translate any entity')
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->drupalGet('/fr/node/' . $host->id() . '/edit');
        // Test that the default alt attribute displays without an override.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//img[contains(@alt, "texte alternatif par défaut")]'));
        // Test `aria-label` attribute appears on the widget wrapper.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.cke_widget_drupalmedia[aria-label="Tatou poilu hurlant"]');
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // Assert that the placeholder is set to the value of the media field's
        // alt text.
        $assert_session->elementAttributeContains('named', [
        ], 'placeholder', 'texte alternatif par défaut');
        // Fill in the alt field in the dialog.
        $qui_est_zartan = 'Zartan est le chef des Dreadnoks.';
        $page->fillField('attributes[alt]', $qui_est_zartan);
        // Assert that the img within the media embed within CKEditor contains
        // the overridden alt text set in the dialog.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//img[contains(@alt, "' . $qui_est_zartan . '")]'));
        $assert_session->elementExists('xpath', '//img[contains(@alt, "' . $qui_est_zartan . '")]');
     * Tests linkability of the CKEditor widget.
     * @dataProvider linkabilityProvider
    public function testLinkability($drupalimage_is_enabled) {
        if (!$drupalimage_is_enabled) {
            // Remove the `drupalimage` plugin's `DrupalImage` button.
            $editor = Editor::load('test_format');
            $settings = $editor->getSettings();
            $rows = $settings['toolbar']['rows'];
            foreach ($rows as $row_key => $row) {
                foreach ($row as $group_key => $group) {
                    foreach ($group['items'] as $item_key => $item) {
                        if ($item === 'DrupalImage') {
        $this->host->body->value .= '<p>The pirate is irate.</p><p>';
        if ($drupalimage_is_enabled) {
            // Add an image with a link wrapped around it.
            $uri = $this->media->field_media_image->entity
            $src = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($uri));
            $this->host->body->value .= '<a href=""><img alt="drupalimage test image" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="' . $src . '" /></a></p>';
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Select the CKEditor Widget.
        $drupalmedia = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media');
        // While the CKEditor Widget is selected, assert the context menu does not
        // contain link-related context menu items.
        $this->assertContextMenuItemNotExists('Edit Link');
        // While the CKEditor Widget is selected, click the "link" button.
        // Enter a link in the link dialog and save.
        $field = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//input[@name="attributes[href]"]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'button.form-submit')
        $link = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'a[href=""]');
        // Select the CKEditor Widget again and assert the context menu now does
        // contain link-related context menu items.
        $drupalmedia = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media');
        $this->assertContextMenuItemExists('Edit Link');
        // Save the entity.
        // Verify the saved entity when viewed also contains the linked media.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figure > a[href=""] > .media--type-image > .field--type-image > img[src*="image-test.png"]');
        // Test that `drupallink` also still works independently: inserting a link
        // is possible.
        $field = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//input[@name="attributes[href]"]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'button.form-submit')
        $link = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'body > a[href=""]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'body > .cke_widget_drupalmedia > drupal-media > figure > a[href=""]');
        // Select the CKEditor Widget again and assert the `drupalunlink` button is
        // enabled. Also assert the context menu again contains link-related context
        // menu items.
        $drupalmedia = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media');
        $this->assertContextMenuItemExists('Edit Link');
        // Test that moving focus to another element causes the `drupalunlink`
        // button to become disabled and causes link-related context menu items to
        // disappear.
        $p = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', "//p[contains(text(), 'The pirate is irate')]");
        $this->assertContextMenuItemExists('Edit Link');
        // To switch from the context menu iframe ("panel") back to the CKEditor
        // iframe, we first have to reset to top frame.
        // Test that moving focus to the `drupalimage` CKEditor Widget enables the
        // `drupalunlink` button again, because it is a linked image.
        if ($drupalimage_is_enabled) {
            $drupalimage = $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//img[@alt="drupalimage test image"]');
            $this->assertContextMenuItemExists('Edit Link');
        // Tests the `drupalunlink` button for the `drupalmedia` CKEditor Widget.
        $this->assertContextMenuItemExists('Edit Link');
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'figure > a[href=""] > .media--type-image > .field--type-image > img[src*="image-test.png"]');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'figure .media--type-image > .field--type-image > img[src*="image-test.png"]');
        if ($drupalimage_is_enabled) {
            // Tests the `drupalunlink` button for the `drupalimage` CKEditor Widget.
            $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'p > a[href=""] > img[src*="image-test.png"]');
            $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'p > img[src*="image-test.png"]');
     * Data Provider for ::testLinkability.
    public function linkabilityProvider() {
        return [
            'linkability when `drupalimage` is enabled' => [
            'linkability when `drupalimage` is disabled' => [
     * Tests preview route access.
     * @param bool $media_embed_enabled
     *   Whether to test with media_embed filter enabled on the text format.
     * @param bool $can_use_format
     *   Whether the logged in user is allowed to use the text format.
     * @dataProvider previewAccessProvider
    public function testEmbedPreviewAccess($media_embed_enabled, $can_use_format) {
        // Reconfigure the host entity's text format to suit our needs.
        /** @var \Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface $format */
        $format = FilterFormat::load($this->host->body->format);
        $format->set('filters', [
            'filter_align' => [
                'status' => TRUE,
            'filter_caption' => [
                'status' => TRUE,
            'media_embed' => [
                'status' => $media_embed_enabled,
        $permissions = [
            'bypass node access',
        if ($can_use_format) {
            $permissions[] = $format->getPermissionName();
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        if ($can_use_format) {
            if ($media_embed_enabled) {
                $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ''));
            else {
                $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '');
        else {
            $assert_session->pageTextContains('This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it.');
     * Data provider for ::testEmbedPreviewAccess.
    public function previewAccessProvider() {
        return [
            'media_embed filter enabled' => [
            'media_embed filter disabled' => [
            'media_embed filter enabled, user not allowed to use text format' => [
     * Tests alignment integration.
     * Tests that alignment is reflected onto the CKEditor Widget wrapper, that
     * the EditorMediaDialog allows altering the alignment and that the changes
     * are reflected on the widget and downcast drupal-media tag.
    public function testAlignment() {
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Wait for preview to load.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($img = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'drupal-media img'));
        // Assert the drupal-media element starts without a data-align attribute.
        $drupal_media = $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'drupal-media');
        // Assert that setting the data-align property in the dialog adds the
        // `align-right', `align-left` or `align-center' class on the widget,
        // caption figure and drupal-media element.
        $alignments = [
        foreach ($alignments as $alignment) {
            $this->fillFieldInMetadataDialogAndSubmit('attributes[data-align]', $alignment);
            // Wait for preview to load.
            $this->assertNotEmpty($img = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'drupal-media img'));
            // Now verify the result. Assert the first element within the
            // <drupal-media> element has the alignment class.
            $selector = sprintf('drupal-media[data-align="%s"] .caption-drupal-media.align-%s', $alignment, $alignment);
            $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', $selector, 2000));
            // Assert that the resultant downcast drupal-media element has the proper
            // `data-align` attribute.
            $this->assertSourceAttributeSame('data-align', $alignment);
        // Test that setting the "Align" field to "none" in the dialog will
        // remove the attribute from the drupal-media element in the CKEditor.
        $this->fillFieldInMetadataDialogAndSubmit('attributes[data-align]', 'none');
        // Assert the drupal-media element no longer has data-align attribute.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media .caption-drupal-media:not(.align-center)', 2000));
        $drupal_media = $assert_session->elementExists('css', 'drupal-media');
        // Assert that the resultant downcast <drupal-media> tag has no data-align
        // attribute.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $this->getDrupalMediaFromSource());
     * Tests the EditorMediaDialog can set the data-view-mode attribute.
    public function testViewMode() {
            'id' => 'media.view_mode_1',
            'targetEntityType' => 'media',
            'status' => TRUE,
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'label' => 'View Mode 1',
            'id' => 'media.view_mode_2',
            'targetEntityType' => 'media',
            'status' => TRUE,
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'label' => 'View Mode 2',
        $filter_format = FilterFormat::load('test_format');
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('media_embed', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            'settings' => [
                'default_view_mode' => 'view_mode_1',
                'allowed_media_types' => [],
                'allowed_view_modes' => [
                    'view_mode_1' => 'view_mode_1',
                    'view_mode_2' => 'view_mode_2',
        // Test that view mode dependencies are returned from the MediaEmbed
        // filter's ::getDependencies() method.
        $expected_config_dependencies = [
        $dependencies = $filter_format->getDependencies();
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('config', $dependencies);
        $this->assertSame($expected_config_dependencies, $dependencies['config']);
        // Test MediaEmbed's allowed_view_modes option setting enables a view mode
        // selection field.
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media'));
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.cke_widget_drupalmedia[aria-label="Screaming hairy armadillo"]');
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        $assert_session->optionExists('attributes[data-view-mode]', 'view_mode_1');
        $assert_session->optionExists('attributes[data-view-mode]', 'view_mode_2');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ''));
        // Test that the downcast drupal-media element contains the
        // `data-view-mode` attribute set in the dialog.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $this->getDrupalMediaFromSource());
        $this->assertSame('view_mode_2', $drupal_media->getAttribute('data-view-mode'));
        // Press the source button again to leave source mode.
        // Having entered source mode means we need to reassign an ID to the
        // CKEditor iframe.
        // Test that setting the allowed_view_modes option to only one option hides
        // the field (it requires more than one option).
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('media_embed', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            'settings' => [
                'default_view_mode' => 'view_mode_1',
                'allowed_media_types' => [],
                'allowed_view_modes' => [
                    'view_mode_1' => 'view_mode_1',
        // Test that the dependencies change when the allowed_view_modes change.
        $dependencies = $filter_format->getDependencies();
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('config', $dependencies);
        ], $dependencies['config']);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media'));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        // Test that setting allowed_view_modes back to two items restores the
        // field.
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('media_embed', [
            'status' => TRUE,
            'settings' => [
                'default_view_mode' => 'view_mode_1',
                'allowed_media_types' => [],
                'allowed_view_modes' => [
                    'view_mode_1' => 'view_mode_1',
                    'view_mode_2' => 'view_mode_2',
        // Test that the dependencies change when the allowed_view_modes change.
        $expected_config_dependencies = [
        $dependencies = $filter_format->getDependencies();
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('config', $dependencies);
        $this->assertSame($expected_config_dependencies, $dependencies['config']);
        // Test that setting the view mode back to the default removes the
        // `data-view-mode` attribute.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media'));
        $page->pressButton('Edit media');
        $assert_session->optionExists('attributes[data-view-mode]', 'view_mode_1');
        $assert_session->optionExists('attributes[data-view-mode]', 'view_mode_2');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ''));
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $this->getDrupalMediaFromSource());
        // Test that changing the view mode with an empty editable caption
        // preserves the empty editable caption when the preview reloads.
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace('data-caption="baz"', '', $original_value);
        // Wait for preview to load with default view mode.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ''));
     * Waits for the form that allows editing metadata.
     * @see \Drupal\media\Form\EditorMediaDialog
    protected function waitForMetadataDialog() {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        // Wait for the dialog to open.
        $result = $page->waitFor(10, function ($page) {
            $metadata_editor = $page->find('css', 'form.editor-media-dialog');
            return !empty($metadata_editor);
     * Fills in a field in the metadata dialog for an embedded media item.
     * This method assumes that the calling code has already switched into the
     * CKEditor iframe.
     * @param string $locator
     *   The field ID, name, or label.
     * @param string $value
     *   The value to set on the field.
    protected function fillFieldInMetadataDialogAndSubmit($locator, $value) {
        // Wait for the drupal-media which holds the "Edit media" button which
        // opens the dialog.
            ->fillField($locator, $value);
        // Since ::waitforMetadataDialog() switches back to the main iframe, we'll
        // need to switch back.
     * Clicks the `Edit media` button and waits for the metadata dialog.
     * This method assumes that the calling code has already switched into the
     * CKEditor iframe.
    protected function openMetadataDialog() {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($embedded_media = $this->assertSession()
            ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'drupal-media'));
        $embedded_media->pressButton('Edit media');
     * Focuses on `Edit media` button and presses the given key.
     * @param int $char
     *   The character code to press.
     *   This method assumes that the calling code has already switched into the
     *   CKEditor iframe.
    protected function openMetadataDialogWithKeyPress($char) {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($button = $this->assertSession()
            ->waitForButton('Edit media'));
     * Leaves source mode and returns to the CKEditor iframe.
    protected function leaveSourceMode() {
        // Press the source button again to leave source mode.
        // Having entered source mode means we need to reassign an ID to the
        // CKEditor iframe.
     * Verifies value of an attribute on the downcast <drupal-media> element.
     * Assumes CKEditor is in source mode.
     * @param string $attribute
     *   The attribute to check.
     * @param mixed $value
     *   Either a string value or if NULL, asserts that <drupal-media> element
     *   doesn't have the attribute.
    protected function assertSourceAttributeSame($attribute, $value) {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($drupal_media = $this->getDrupalMediaFromSource());
        if ($value === NULL) {
        else {
            $this->assertSame($value, $drupal_media->getAttribute($attribute));
     * Closes and submits the metadata dialog.
    protected function submitDialog() {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($dialog_buttons = $this->assertSession()
            ->elementExists('css', 'div.ui-dialog-buttonpane'));
     * Closes the metadata dialog.
    protected function closeDialog() {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $result = $page->waitFor(10, function ($page) {
            $metadata_editor = $page->find('css', 'form.editor-media-dialog');
            return empty($metadata_editor);
     * Gets the transfer size of the last preview request.
     * @return int
     *   The size of the bytes transferred.
    protected function getLastPreviewRequestTransferSize() {
        $javascript = <<<JS
  return window.performance
    .filter(function (entry) {
      return entry.initiatorType == 'xmlhttprequest' &&'/media/test_format/preview') !== -1;
        return $this->getSession()
     * Sets the text of the editable caption to the given text.
     * @param string $text
     *   The text to set in the caption.
    protected function setCaption($text) {
        $select_and_edit_caption = "var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['edit-body-0-value'];\n       var figcaption = editor.widgets.getByElement(editor.editable().findOne('figcaption'));\n       figcaption.editables.caption.setData('" . $text . "')";
     * Assigns a name to the CKEditor context menu iframe.
     * Note that this iframe doesn't appear until context menu appears.
     * @see \Behat\Mink\Session::switchToIFrame()
    protected function assignNameToCkeditorPanelIframe() {
        $javascript = <<<JS
  document.getElementsByClassName('cke_panel_frame')[0].id = 'panel';
     * Opens the context menu for the currently selected widget.
     * @param string $instance_id
     *   The CKEditor instance ID.
    protected function openContextMenu($instance_id = 'edit-body-0-value') {
        $script = <<<JS
      (function() {
        var editor = CKEDITOR.instances["{<span class="php-variable">$instance_id</span>}"];[0].element);
     * Asserts that a context menu item exists by aria-label attribute.
     * @param string $label
     *   The `aria-label` attribute value of the context menu item.
    protected function assertContextMenuItemExists($label) {
            ->elementExists('xpath', '//a[@aria-label="' . $label . '"]');
     * Asserts that a context menu item does not exist by aria-label attribute.
     * @param string $label
     *   The `aria-label` attribute value of the context menu item.
    protected function assertContextMenuItemNotExists($label) {
            ->elementNotExists('xpath', '//a[@aria-label="' . $label . '"]');
     * Closes the open context menu.
     * @param string $instance_id
     *   The CKEditor instance ID.
    protected function closeContextMenu($instance_id = 'edit-body-0-value') {
        $script = <<<JS
      (function() {
        var editor = CKEDITOR.instances["{<span class="php-variable">$instance_id</span>}"];
     * Clicks a link in the editor's path links with the given title text.
     * @param string $text
     *   The title attribute of the link to click.
    protected function clickPathLinkByTitleAttribute($text) {
        $selector = '//span[@id="cke_1_path"]//a[@title="' . $text . '"]';
            ->elementExists('xpath', $selector)
     * Parses the <drupal-media> element from CKEditor's "source" view.
     * Assumes CKEditor is in source mode.
     * @return \DOMNode|null
     *   The drupal-media element or NULL if it can't be found.
    protected function getDrupalMediaFromSource() {
        $value = $this->assertSession()
            ->elementExists('css', 'textarea.cke_source')
        $dom = Html::load($value);
        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
        $list = $xpath->query('//drupal-media');
        return count($list) > 0 ? $list[0] : NULL;



Title Deprecated Summary
CKEditorIntegrationTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\media\Plugin\CKEditorPlugin\DrupalMedia @group media

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