RegisterForm::save in core/modules/user/src/RegisterForm.php
UserCancelForm::submitForm in core/modules/user/src/Form/UserCancelForm.php
This is the default entity object builder function. It is called before any other submit handler to build the new entity object to be used by the following submit handlers. At this point of the form workflow the entity is validated and the form stateā€¦
UserMailNotifyTest::testUserMailsNotSent in core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/UserMailNotifyTest.php
Tests mails are not sent when notify.$op is FALSE.
UserMailNotifyTest::testUserMailsSent in core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/UserMailNotifyTest.php
Tests mails are sent when notify.$op is TRUE.
_user_cancel in core/modules/user/user.module
Implements callback_batch_operation().