Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.7.x developer/examples/node_access_example.module \node_access_example_node_grants()
  2. 5.x developer/examples/node_access_example.module \node_access_example_node_grants()

Implementation of hook_node_grants().

Since we are restricting access based on a permission, we need to check that permission and return the appropriate result.


developer/examples/node_access_example.module, line 53
This is an example illustrating how to restrict access to nodes based on some criterion associated with the user.


function node_access_example_node_grants($account, $op) {
  $grants = array();
  if (user_access('access content', $account)) {
    $grants[] = 0;
  if (user_access('access private content', $account)) {
    $grants[] = 1;
  return array(
    'example' => $grants,