Same filename in this branch
  1. 5.x developer/hooks/install.php
  2. 5.x install.php
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 4.7.x developer/hooks/install.php
  2. 6.x developer/hooks/install.php

Documentation for the installation and update system.

The update system is used by modules to provide database updates which are run with update.php.

Implementations of these hooks should be placed in a mymodule.install file in the same directory as mymodule.module.


View source

 * @file
 * Documentation for the installation and update system.
 * The update system is used by modules to provide database updates which are
 * run with update.php.
 * Implementations of these hooks should be placed in a mymodule.install file in
 * the same directory as mymodule.module.

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Check installation requirements that need to be satisfied.
 * A module is expected to return a list of requirements and whether they are
 * satisfied. This information is used both during installation and on the
 * status report in the administration section.
 * Note that this hook, like all others dealing with installation and updates,
 * must reside in a module_name.install file, or it will not properly abort
 * the installation of the module if a critical requirement is missing.
 * Appropriate checks are for library or server versions, maintenance tasks,
 * security, ... Module dependencies on the other hand do not belong here.
 * Install-time requirements must be checked without access to the full
 * Drupal API.
 * Requirements can have one of four severity levels:
 *   - REQUIREMENT_INFO:    For info only.
 *   - REQUIREMENT_OK:      The requirement is satisfied.
 *   - REQUIREMENT_WARNING: The requirement failed with a warning.
 *   - REQUIREMENT_ERROR:   The requirement failed with an error.
 * Note that you need to use $t = get_t(); to retrieve the appropriate
 * localisation function name (t or st).
 * @param $phase
 *   The phase in which hook_requirements is run:
 *   - 'install': the module is being installed (either during install.php, or
 *              later by hand). Any requirement with REQUIREMENT_ERROR
 *              severity will cause install to abort.
 *   - 'runtime':  the runtime requirements are being checked and shown on the
 *              status report page. Any requirement with REQUIREMENT_ERROR
 *              severity will cause a notice to appear at /admin.
 * @return
 *   A keyed array of requirements. Each requirement is itself an array with
 *   the following items:
 *   - 'title': the name of the requirement.
 *   - 'value': the current value (e.g. version, time, level, ...).
 *   - 'description': optional notice for the status report.
 *   - 'severity': the requirement's result/severity (defaults to OK).
function hook_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();

  // Ensure translations don't break at install time
  $t = get_t();

  // Report Drupal version
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {
    $requirements['drupal'] = array(
      'title' => $t('Drupal'),
      'value' => VERSION,
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,

  // Test PHP version
  $requirements['php'] = array(
    'title' => $t('PHP'),
    'value' => $phase == 'runtime' ? l(phpversion(), 'admin/logs/status/php') : phpversion(),
  if (version_compare(phpversion(), DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP) < 0) {
    $requirements['php']['description'] = $t('Your PHP installation is too old. Drupal requires at least PHP %version.', array(
      '%version' => DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP,
    $requirements['php']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;

  // Report cron status
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {
    $cron_last = variable_get('cron_last', NULL);
    if (is_numeric($cron_last)) {
      $requirements['cron']['value'] = $t('Last run !time ago', array(
        '!time' => format_interval(time() - $cron_last),
    else {
      $requirements['cron'] = array(
        'description' => $t('Cron has not run. It appears cron jobs have not been setup on your system. Please check the help pages for <a href="@url">configuring cron jobs</a>.', array(
          '@url' => '',
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'value' => $t('Never run'),
    $requirements['cron']['description'] .= ' ' . t('You can <a href="@cron">run cron manually</a>.', array(
      '@cron' => url('admin/logs/status/run-cron'),
    $requirements['cron']['title'] = $t('Cron maintenance tasks');
  return $requirements;

 * Install the current version of the database schema.
 * The hook will be called the first time a module is installed, and the
 * module's schema version will be set to the module's greatest numbered update
 * hook. Because of this, anytime a hook_update_N() is added to the module, this
 * function needs to be updated to reflect the current version of the database
 * schema.
 * Table names in the CREATE queries should be wrapped with curly braces so that
 * they're prefixed correctly, see db_prefix_tables() for more on this.
 * Note that since this function is called from a full bootstrap, all functions
 * (including those in modules enabled by the current page request) are
 * available when this hook is called. Use cases could be displaying a user
 * message, or calling a module function necessary for initial setup, etc.
function hook_install() {
  switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
    case 'mysql':
    case 'mysqli':
      db_query("CREATE TABLE {event} (\n                  nid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n                  event_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n                  event_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n                  timezone int(10) NOT NULL default '0',\n                  PRIMARY KEY (nid),\n                  KEY event_start (event_start)\n                ) TYPE=MyISAM /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;");
    case 'pgsql':
      db_query("CREATE TABLE {event} (\n                  nid int NOT NULL default '0',\n                  event_start int NOT NULL default '0',\n                  event_end int NOT NULL default '0',\n                  timezone int NOT NULL default '0',\n                  PRIMARY KEY (nid)\n                );");

 * Perform a single update.
 * For each patch which requires a database change add a new hook_update_N()
 * which will be called by update.php. The database updates are numbered
 * sequentially starting with 1 in each module. The first is mymodule_update_1().
 * A good rule of thumb is to remove updates older than two major releases of
 * Drupal. Never renumber update functions.
 * Whenever possible implement both PostgreSQL and MySQL at the same time. If
 * PostgreSQL updates are added later, add a new update function which only does
 * the PostgreSQL update. Be sure to use comments to describe which updates are
 * the same if they do get separated.
 * Implementations of this hook should be placed in a mymodule.install file in
 * the same directory as mymodule.module. Drupal core's updates are implemented
 * using the system module as a name and stored in database/
 * The following examples serve as a quick guide to MySQL to PostgreSQL conversion.
 * Usually (but not always!) you will use following SQL statements:
 * - Adding a key (an index)
 *   - MySQL: ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD KEY $column ($column)
 *   - PostgreSQL: CREATE INDEX {$table}_$column_idx ON {$table}($column)  // Please note the _idx "extension"
 * - Adding a primary key
 *   - MySQL: ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD PRIMARY KEY $column ($column)
 *   - PostgreSQL: ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD PRIMARY KEY ($column)
 * - Dropping a primary key
 *   - PostgreSQL:ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP CONSTRAINT {$table}_pkey
 * - Dropping a column
 *   - MySQL: ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP $column
 *   - Postgres: ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP $column
 * - Dropping an index
 *   - MySQL: ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP INDEX $index
 *   - Postgres:
 *     - DROP INDEX {$table}_$column_idx                            // When index was defined by CREATE INDEX
 *     - ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP CONSTRAINT {$table}_$column_key  // In case of UNIQUE($column)
 * - Adding a column
 *   - MySQL: $ret[] = update_sql("ALTER TABLE {vocabulary} ADD tags tinyint(3) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL");
 *   - Postgres: db_add_column($ret, 'vocabulary', 'tags', 'smallint', array('default' => 0, 'not null' => TRUE));
 * - Changing a column
 *   - MySQL: $ret[] = update_sql("ALTER TABLE {locales_source} CHANGE location location varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
 *   - Postgres: db_change_column($ret, 'locales_source', 'location', 'location', 'varchar(255)', array('not null' => TRUE, 'default' => "''"));
 * @return An array with the results of the calls to update_sql().
function hook_update_N() {
  $ret = array();
  switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
    case 'pgsql':
      db_add_column($ret, 'contact', 'weight', 'smallint', array(
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      db_add_column($ret, 'contact', 'selected', 'smallint', array(
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    case 'mysql':
    case 'mysqli':
      $ret[] = update_sql("ALTER TABLE {contact} ADD COLUMN weight tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0");
      $ret[] = update_sql("ALTER TABLE {contact} ADD COLUMN selected tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0");
  return $ret;

 * Remove any tables or variables that the module sets.
 * The uninstall hook will fire when the module gets uninstalled.
function hook_uninstall() {
  db_query('DROP TABLE {profile_fields}');
  db_query('DROP TABLE {profile_values}');

 * Perform necessary actions after module is enabled.
 * The hook is called everytime module is enabled.
function hook_enable() {

 * Perform necessary actions before module is disabled.
 * The hook is called everytime module is disabled.
function hook_disable() {

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_disable Perform necessary actions before module is disabled.
hook_enable Perform necessary actions after module is enabled.
hook_install Install the current version of the database schema.
hook_requirements Check installation requirements that need to be satisfied.
hook_uninstall Remove any tables or variables that the module sets.
hook_update_N Perform a single update.