Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
comment_access modules/comment.module This is *not* a hook_access() implementation. This function is called to determine whether the current user has access to a particular comment.
comment_admin_edit modules/comment.module Menu callback; edit a comment from the administrative interface. 1
comment_admin_overview modules/comment.module Menu callback; present an administrative comment listing. 1
comment_already_moderated modules/comment.module
comment_block modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_block().
comment_configure modules/comment.module Menu callback; presents the comment settings page. 1
comment_delete modules/comment.module Menu callback; delete a comment. 1
comment_edit modules/comment.module 1
comment_help modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_help().
comment_link modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_link().
comment_links modules/comment.module 1
comment_matrix_settings modules/comment.module Menu callback; presents the moderation vote matrix. 1
comment_menu modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_menu().
comment_moderate modules/comment.module 1
comment_moderation_form modules/comment.module
comment_nodeapi modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
comment_node_url modules/comment.module 2
comment_num_all modules/comment.module 1
comment_num_new modules/comment.module get number of new comments for current user and specified node 1
comment_num_replies modules/comment.module 1
comment_perm modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_perm().
comment_post modules/comment.module 1
comment_preview modules/comment.module 1 1
comment_render modules/comment.module 1
comment_reply modules/comment.module
comment_role_settings modules/comment.module Menu callback; allows admin to set default scores for different roles. 1
comment_save modules/comment.module 1
comment_save_settings modules/comment.module 1
comment_threshold_settings modules/comment.module Menu callback; displays settings for thresholds at which comments are displayed. 1
comment_user modules/comment.module Implementation of hook_user().
comment_user_can_moderate modules/comment.module
comment_validate_form modules/comment.module 1
comment_visible modules/comment.module ** misc functions: helpers, privates, history 2
comment_vote_settings modules/comment.module Menu callback; displays page for assigning names to vote values. 1
conf_init includes/ Locate the appropriate configuration file. 2
contact_help modules/contact.module Implementation of hook_help().
contact_mail_user modules/contact.module 1
contact_menu modules/contact.module Implementation of hook_menu().
contact_user modules/contact.module Implementation of hook_user().
db_affected_rows includes/ Determine the number of rows changed by the preceding query.
db_affected_rows includes/ Determine the number of rows changed by the preceding query.
db_connect includes/ Initialize a database connection. 1
db_connect includes/ Initialize a database connection. 1
db_decode_blob includes/ Returns text from a Binary Large OBject value. 1
db_decode_blob includes/ Returns text from a Binary Large OBject value. 1
db_encode_blob includes/ Returns a properly formatted Binary Large OBject value. 1
db_encode_blob includes/ Returns a properly formatted Binary Large OBject value. 1
db_error includes/ Determine whether the previous query caused an error.
db_error includes/ Determine whether the previous query caused an error.
db_escape_string includes/ Prepare user input for use in a database query, preventing SQL injection attacks. 7 4


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