Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct uses Stringssort ascending
drupal_get_form includes/ Retrieves a form from a constructor function, or from the cache if the form was built in a previous page-load. The form is then passed on for processing, after and rendered for display if necessary. 40 24
locale modules/locale/locale.module Provides interface translation services. 16
t includes/ Translate strings to the page language or a given language. 586 14
theme includes/ Generates the themed output. 190 12
_db_query_callback includes/ Helper function for db_query(). 8 8
language_default includes/ Default language used on the site 11 7
user_access modules/user/user.module Determine whether the user has a given privilege. 35 5
check_plain includes/ Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML. 115 5
format_interval includes/ Format a time interval with the requested granularity. 15 5
url includes/ Generates an internal or external URL. 95 5
user_register modules/user/user.module Form builder; The user registration form. 4
user_admin_access_check modules/user/ Menu callback: list all access rules 4
user_admin_access_check_validate modules/user/ 3
user_admin_access_check_submit modules/user/ 3
system_sort_modules_by_info_name modules/system/ Array sorting callback; sorts modules or themes by their name. 3
watchdog includes/ Log a system message. 75 3
element_sort includes/ Function used by uasort to sort structured arrays by weight. 3
user_edit_access modules/user/user.module Access callback for user account editing. 2
user_login modules/user/user.module Form builder; the main user login form. 2
user_user_operations_unblock modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass unblocking users. 2
user_user_operations_block modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass blocking users. 2
user_is_anonymous modules/user/user.module 1 2
_user_sort modules/user/user.module 2
user_admin_role modules/user/ Menu callback: administer roles. 2
taxonomy_form_vocabulary modules/taxonomy/ Display form for adding and editing vocabularies. 2
taxonomy_overview_terms modules/taxonomy/ Form builder for the taxonomy terms overview. 1 2
taxonomy_form_term modules/taxonomy/ Form function for the term edit form. 2
system_admin_menu_block_page modules/system/ Provide a single block from the administration menu as a page. 2
search_index modules/search/search.module Update the full-text search index for a particular item. 2 2
poll_votes modules/poll/ Callback for the 'votes' tab for polls you can see other votes on 2
path_menu modules/path/path.module Implementation of hook_menu(). 2
node_access modules/node/node.module Determine whether the current user may perform the given operation on the specified node. 2 2
node_preview modules/node/ Generate a node preview. 1 2
node_form_submit_build_node modules/node/ Build a node by processing submitted form values and prepare for a form rebuild. 3 2
forum_form modules/forum/forum.module Implementation of hook_form(). 2
forum_form_submit modules/forum/ Process forum form and container form submissions. 2
dblog_top modules/dblog/ Menu callback; generic function to display a page of the most frequent dblog events of a specified type. 2
_drupal_build_css_path includes/ Helper function for drupal_build_css_cache(). 2 2
file_delete includes/ Delete a file. 7 2
file_directory_path includes/ Determine the default 'files' directory. 13 2
drupal_retrieve_form includes/ Retrieves the structured array that defines a given form. 2
expand_checkboxes includes/ 2
_locale_invalidate_js includes/ Force the JavaScript translation file(s) to be refreshed. 4 2
xmlrpc_server_list_methods includes/ XML-RPC method system.listMethods maps to this function. 2
user_page_title modules/user/user.module Menu item title callback - use the user name if it's not the current user. 1
user_login_name_validate modules/user/user.module A FAPI validate handler. Sets an error if supplied username has been blocked or denied access. 1 1
user_login_authenticate_validate modules/user/user.module A validate handler on the login form. Check supplied username/password against local users table. If successful, sets the global $user object. 1
user_login_final_validate modules/user/user.module A validate handler on the login form. Should be the last validator. Sets an error if user has not been authenticated yet. 1
user_login_submit modules/user/user.module Submit handler for the login form. Redirects the user to a page. 1
user_mail modules/user/user.module Implementation of hook_mail(). 1


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