Primary tabs

Namesort ascending Description
Workflow Type Plugins Any module harnessing the Workflows module must define a Workflow Type Plugin. This allows the module to tailor the workflow to its specific need. For example, the Content Moderation module uses its Workflow Type Plugin to link workflows to…
Views wizard plugins Plugins for Views wizards.
Views template files Describes various views templates & overriding options.
Views sort handler plugins Plugins that handle sorting for Views.
Views relationship handlers Plugins for handling views relationships.
Views plugins Overview of views plugins
Views overview Overview of the Views module API
Views join handler plugins Handler plugins for Views table joins.
Views exposed form plugins Plugins that handle validation, submission, and rendering of exposed forms.
Views display plugins Plugins to handle the overall display of views.
Views display extender plugins Plugins that offer additional display options across display types.
Views cache plugins Plugins to handle Views caches.
Views area handler plugins Plugins governing areas of views, such as header, footer, and empty text.
Views access plugins Plugins to handle access checking for views.
Utility classes and functions Overview of utility classes and functions for developers.
User accounts, permissions, and roles API for user accounts, access checking, roles, and permissions.
Update API Updating minor versions of modules
Typed Data API API for describing data based on a set of available data types.
Transliteration Transliterate from Unicode to US-ASCII
Theme system overview Functions and templates for the user interface that themes can override.
State API Information about the State API.
Settings Tray API Settings Tray API
Sessions Store and retrieve data associated with a user's browsing session.
Services and Dependency Injection Container Overview of the Dependency Injection Container and Services.
Service Tags Service tags overview
Search interface The Drupal search interface manages a global search mechanism.
Schema API API to handle database schemas.
Routing API Route page requests to code based on URLs.
REST and Application Integration Integrating third-party applications using REST and related operations.
Render API overview Overview of the Theme system and Render API.
Queue operations Queue items to allow later processing.
Plugin API Using the Plugin API
PHP wrapper functions Functions that are wrappers or custom implementations of PHP functions.
PHP Runtime Assert Statements Use of the assert() statement in Drupal.
Page header for Services page Introduction to services
Page header for Namespaces page Introduction to namespaces
Page header for Elements page Introduction to form and render elements
Page header for Classes page Introduction to classes
Objected-oriented programming conventions PSR-4, namespaces, class naming, and other conventions.
Node access rights The node access system determines who can do what to which nodes.
Migrate API Overview of the Migrate API, which migrates data into Drupal.
Menu system Define the navigation menus, local actions and tasks, and contextual links.
Media Library Architecture Media Library is a UI for the core Media module. It provides a visual interface for users to manage media in their site, and it allows authors to visually select media for use in entity reference and text fields, using a modal dialog.
Logging severity levels Logging severity levels as defined in RFC 5424.
Locking mechanisms Functions to coordinate long operations across requests.
Lazy Services Lazy services overview
Layout Builder access In determining access rights for the Layout Builder UI, \Drupal\layout_builder\Access\LayoutBuilderAccessCheck checks if the specified section storage plugin (an implementation of \Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorageInterface) grants access.
JSON:API Architecture Overview The JSON:API module is a Drupal-centric implementation of the JSON:API specification. By its own definition, the JSON:API specification "is a specification for how a client should request that resources be fetched or modified, and how a…
Internationalization Internationalization and translation
Interface translation properties .info.yml file properties for interface translation settings.


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