55 calls to cache_get()
- archiver_get_info in includes/
common.inc - Retrieves a list of all available archivers.
- book_menu_subtree_data in modules/
book/ book.module - Gets the data representing a subtree of the book hierarchy.
- BootstrapGetFilenameWebTestCase::testDrupalGetFilename in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ bootstrap.test - Test that drupal_get_filename() works correctly with a full Drupal site.
- CacheClearCase::testMinimumCacheLifetime in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test minimum cache lifetime.
- CacheSavingCase::checkVariable in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Check or a variable is stored and restored properly.
- CacheSavingCase::testNoEmptyCids in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test no empty cids are written in cache table.
- CacheSavingCase::testObject in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test the saving and restoring of an object.
- CacheTestCase::assertCacheRemoved in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Assert or a cache entry has been removed.
- CacheTestCase::checkCacheExists in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Check whether or not a cache entry exists.
- check_markup in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Runs all the enabled filters on a piece of text.
- CronRunTestCase::testCronCacheExpiration in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests that hook_flush_caches() is not invoked on every single cron run.
- DrupalCacheArray::set in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Writes a value to the persistent cache immediately.
- DrupalCacheArray::__construct in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Constructs a DrupalCacheArray object.
- drupal_get_complete_schema in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Gets the whole database schema.
- drupal_lookup_path in includes/
path.inc - Given an alias, return its Drupal system URL if one exists. Given a Drupal system URL return one of its aliases if such a one exists. Otherwise, return FALSE.
- drupal_page_get_cache in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Retrieves the current page from the cache.
- drupal_render_cache_get in includes/
common.inc - Gets the rendered output of a renderable element from the cache.
- entity_get_info in includes/
common.inc - Get the entity info array of an entity type.
- FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachCache in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test field cache.
- FieldInfo::getBundleExtraFields in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Retrieves the "extra fields" for a bundle.
- FieldInfo::getBundleInstances in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Retrieves the instances for a bundle.
- FieldInfo::getFieldMap in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles.
- FieldInfo::getFields in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Returns all active fields, including deleted ones.
- FieldInfo::getInstances in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions.
- filter_formats in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight.
- filter_list_format in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Retrieves a list of filters for a given text format.
- form_get_cache in includes/
form.inc - Fetches a form from cache.
- HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ bootstrap.test - Test calling of hook_boot() and hook_exit().
- image_effect_definitions in modules/
image/ image.module - Returns a set of image effects.
- image_styles in modules/
image/ image.module - Gets an array of all styles and their settings.
- locale in modules/
locale/ locale.module - Provides interface translation services.
- menu_load_all in modules/
menu/ menu.module - Load all custom menu data.
- menu_local_tasks in includes/
menu.inc - Collects the local tasks (tabs), action links, and the root path.
- menu_tree_all_data in includes/
menu.inc - Gets the data structure representing a named menu tree.
- menu_tree_page_data in includes/
menu.inc - Gets the data structure for a named menu tree, based on the current page.
- ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ module.test - Test module_implements() caching.
- module_hook_info in includes/
module.inc - Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info().
- module_implements in includes/
module.inc - Determines which modules are implementing a hook.
- PathTestCase::testPathCache in modules/
path/ path.test - Tests the path cache.
- simpletest_test_get_all in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.module - Get a list of all of the tests provided by the system.
- system_cron in modules/
system/ system.module - Implements hook_cron().
- system_list in includes/
module.inc - Builds a list of bootstrap modules and enabled modules and themes.
- system_test_page_cache_headers in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ system_test.module - Menu callback to test headers stored in the page cache.
- ThemeRegistry::set in includes/
theme.inc - Writes a value to the persistent cache immediately.
- ThemeRegistry::__construct in includes/
theme.inc - Constructs a DrupalCacheArray object.
- ThemeRegistryTestCase::testRaceCondition in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tests the behavior of the theme registry class.
- variable_initialize in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Loads the persistent variable table.
- _drupal_file_scan_cache in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Returns the current list of cached file system scan results.
- _field_info_collate_types in modules/
field/ field.info.inc - Collates all information on field types, widget types and related structures.
- _menu_build_tree in includes/
menu.inc - Builds a menu tree.
- _node_types_build in modules/
node/ node.module - Builds and returns the list of available node types.
- _registry_check_code in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Checks for a resource in the registry.
- _registry_update in includes/
registry.inc - Does the work for registry_update().
- _theme_build_registry in includes/
theme.inc - Builds the theme registry cache.
- _theme_load_registry in includes/
theme.inc - Gets the theme_registry cache; if it doesn't exist, builds it.
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