13 calls to entity_uri()
- image_field_formatter_view in modules/
image/ image.field.inc - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- node_admin_nodes in modules/
node/ node.admin.inc - Form builder: Builds the node administration overview.
- node_page_view in modules/
node/ node.module - Menu callback: Displays a single node.
- node_search_execute in modules/
node/ node.module - Implements hook_search_execute().
- rdf_preprocess_comment in modules/
rdf/ rdf.module - Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK().
- rdf_preprocess_user_profile in modules/
rdf/ rdf.module - Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK().
- taxonomy_field_formatter_view in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- taxonomy_term_page in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.pages.inc - Menu callback; displays all nodes associated with a term.
- taxonomy_tokens in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- template_preprocess_comment in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Process variables for comment.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_node in modules/
node/ node.module - Processes variables for node.tpl.php
- template_preprocess_taxonomy_term in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Process variables for taxonomy-term.tpl.php.
- user_register_submit in modules/
user/ user.module - Submit handler for the user registration form.
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