aggregator_page_categories in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the categories used by the aggregator.
aggregator_page_sources in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the feeds used by the aggregator.
aggregator_view in modules/aggregator.module
archive_calendar in modules/archive.module
Generates a monthly calendar, for display in the archive block.
block_admin_display in modules/block.module
Generate main block administration form.
blogapi_blogger_edit_post in modules/blogapi.module
Blogging API callback. Modifies the specified blog node.
blogapi_blogger_new_post in modules/blogapi.module
Blogging API callback. Inserts a new blog post as a node.
blog_form in modules/blog.module
Implementation of hook_form().
blog_link in modules/blog.module
Implementation of hook_link().
blog_page_user in modules/blog.module
Displays a Drupal page containing recent blog entries of a given user.
blog_user in modules/blog.module
Implementation of hook_user().
book_admin_edit_submit in modules/book.module
book_admin_overview in modules/book.module
Returns an administrative overview of all books.
book_link in modules/book.module
Implementation of hook_link().
book_render in modules/book.module
Menu callback; prints a listing of all books.
book_tree_recurse in modules/book.module
This is a helper function for book_tree()
chameleon_comment in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
chameleon_node in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
chameleon_page in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
comment_admin_overview in modules/comment.module
Menu callback; present an administrative comment listing.
comment_admin_overview_submit in modules/comment.module
Execute the chosen 'Update option' on the selected comments, such as publishing, unpublishing or deleting.
comment_link in modules/comment.module
Implementation of hook_link().
comment_links in modules/comment.module
comment_save in modules/comment.module
Accepts a submission of new or changed comment content.
confirm_form in modules/system.module
Output a confirmation form
contact_admin_categories in modules/contact.module
Categories/list tab.
contact_admin_edit_submit in modules/contact.module
Process the contact category edit page form submission.
drupal_access_denied in includes/
Generates a 403 error if the request is not allowed.
fileupload_view in developer/examples/fileupload.module
Implementation of hook_view.
filter_admin_format_form in modules/filter.module
Generate a filter format form.
filter_admin_overview in modules/filter.module
Displays a list of all input formats and which one is the default
filter_form in modules/filter.module
Generate a selector for choosing a format in a form.
forum_overview in modules/forum.module
Returns an overview list of existing forums and containers
help_links_as_list in modules/help.module
hook_link in developer/hooks/core.php
Define internal Drupal links.
menu_get_active_breadcrumb in includes/
Returns an array of rendered menu items in the active breadcrumb trail.
menu_overview_tree in modules/menu.module
Present the menu tree, rendered along with links to edit menu items.
menu_primary_links in includes/
Returns an array containing the primary links. Can optionally descend from the root of the Primary links menu towards the current node for a specified number of levels and return that submenu. Used to generate a primary/secondary menu from different…
node_admin_nodes in modules/node.module
Menu callback: content administration.
node_form_submit in modules/node.module
node_link in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_link().
node_preview in modules/node.module
Generate a node preview.
node_revision_overview in modules/node.module
Generate an overview table of older revisions of a node.
node_title_list in modules/node.module
Gather a listing of links to nodes.
path_overview in modules/path.module
Return a listing of all defined URL aliases.
phptemplate_comment in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
Prepare the values passed to the theme_comment function to be passed into a pluggable template engine.
poll_page in modules/poll.module
poll_view in modules/poll.module
Implementation of hook_view().
profile_admin_overview in modules/profile.module
Menu callback; display a listing of all editable profile fields.
profile_field_delete_submit in modules/profile.module
Process a field delete form submission.
profile_field_form_submit in modules/profile.module
Process profile_field_form submissions.
search_view in modules/search.module
Menu callback; presents the search form and/or search results.
statistics_access_log in modules/statistics.module
statistics_node_tracker in modules/statistics.module
statistics_recent_hits in modules/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "recent hits" page.
statistics_top_visitors in modules/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "top visitors" page.
statistics_user_tracker in modules/statistics.module
system_themes in modules/system.module
Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
tablesort_header in includes/
Format a column header.
taxonomy_form_term in modules/taxonomy.module
taxonomy_link in modules/taxonomy.module
Implementation of hook_link().
taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy.module
Display a tree of all the terms in a vocabulary, with options to edit each one.
taxonomy_overview_vocabularies in modules/taxonomy.module
List and manage vocabularies.
theme_aggregator_block_item in modules/aggregator.module
Format an individual feed item for display in the block.
theme_aggregator_feed in modules/aggregator.module
Format a news feed.
theme_aggregator_page_item in modules/aggregator.module
Format an individual feed item for display on the aggregator page.
theme_book_admin_table in modules/book.module
theme_book_navigation in modules/book.module
Prepares the links to children (TOC) and forward/backward navigation for a node presented as a book page.
theme_comment in modules/comment.module
theme_comment_block in modules/comment.module
theme_comment_folded in modules/comment.module
theme_forum_display in modules/forum.module
Format the forum body.
theme_forum_list in modules/forum.module
Format the forum listing.
theme_forum_topic_list in modules/forum.module
Format the topic listing.
theme_forum_topic_navigation in modules/forum.module
Format the next/previous forum topic navigation links.
theme_locale_admin_manage_screen in includes/
Theme the locale admin manager form.
theme_menu_item_link in includes/
Generate the HTML representing a given menu item ID.
theme_pager_link in includes/
Format a link to a specific query result page.
theme_upload_attachments in modules/upload.module
Displays file attachments in table
theme_username in includes/
Format a username.
theme_user_admin_new_role in modules/user.module
theme_user_picture in modules/user.module
tracker_page in modules/tracker.module
Menu callback. Prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
upload_link in modules/upload.module
Implementation of hook_link().
user_admin_access in modules/user.module
Menu callback: list all access rules
user_admin_account in modules/user.module
user_admin_perm in modules/user.module
Menu callback: administer permissions.
user_auth_help_links in modules/user.module
user_register_submit in modules/user.module
watchdog_event in modules/watchdog.module
Menu callback; displays details about a log message.
watchdog_overview in modules/watchdog.module
Menu callback; displays a listing of log messages.
_locale_string_seek in includes/
Perform a string search and display results in a table
_statistics_link in modules/statistics.module
It is possible to adjust the width of columns generated by the statistics module.