Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.7.x includes/ \drupal_goto()
  2. 5.x includes/ \drupal_goto()
  3. 6.x includes/ \drupal_goto()
  4. 7.x includes/ \drupal_goto()

Send the user to a different Drupal page.

This issues an on-site HTTP redirect. The function makes sure the redirected URL is formatted correctly.

Usually the redirected URL is constructed from this function's input parameters. However you may override that behavior by setting a <em>destination</em> in either the $_REQUEST-array (i.e. by using the query string of an URI) or the $_REQUEST['edit']-array (i.e. by using a hidden form field). This is used to direct the user back to the proper page after completing a form. For example, after editing a post on the 'admin/node'-page or after having logged on using the 'user login'-block in a sidebar. The function drupal_get_destination() can be used to help set the destination URL.

It is advised to use drupal_goto() instead of PHP's header(), because drupal_goto() will append the user's session ID to the URI when PHP is compiled with "--enable-trans-sid".

This function ends the request; use it rather than a print theme('page') statement in your menu callback.


$path: A Drupal path.

$query: The query string component, if any.

$fragment: The destination fragment identifier (named anchor).

See also


39 calls to drupal_goto()
aggregator_admin_refresh_feed in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; refreshes a feed, then redirects to the overview page.
aggregator_admin_remove_feed in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; removes all items from a feed, then redirects to the overview page.
aggregator_edit in modules/aggregator.module
block_admin in modules/block.module
Menu callback; displays the block overview page.
block_box_delete in modules/block.module
Menu callback; confirm and delete custom blocks.

... See full list


includes/, line 167
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function drupal_goto($path = '', $query = NULL, $fragment = NULL) {
  if ($_REQUEST['destination']) {
  else {
    if ($_REQUEST['edit']['destination']) {
  $url = url($path, $query, $fragment, TRUE);
  if (ini_get('session.use_trans_sid') && session_id() && !strstr($url, session_id())) {
    $sid = session_name() . '=' . session_id();
    if (strstr($url, '?') && !strstr($url, $sid)) {
      $url = $url . '&' . $sid;
    else {
      $url = $url . '?' . $sid;

  // Before the redirect, allow modules to react to the end of the page request.
  module_invoke_all('exit', $url);
  header('Location: ' . $url);

  // The "Location" header sends a REDIRECT status code to the http
  // daemon. In some cases this can go wrong, so we make sure none
  // of the code below the drupal_goto() call gets executed when we redirect.