Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 10 core/includes/ \t()
  2. 4.6.x includes/ \t()
  3. 4.7.x includes/ \t()
  4. 6.x includes/ \t()
  5. 7.x includes/ \t()
  6. 8.9.x core/includes/ \t()
  7. 9 core/includes/ \t()

Translate strings to the current locale.

Human-readable text that will be displayed somewhere within a page should be run through the t() function.


if (!$info || !$info['extension']) {
  form_set_error('picture_upload', t('The uploaded file was not an image.'));
$form['submit'] = array(
  '#type' => 'submit',
  '#value' => t('Log in'),

Any text within t() can be extracted by translators and changed into the equivalent text in their native language.

Special variables called "placeholders" are used to signal dynamic information in a string which should not be translated. Placeholders can also be used for text that may change from time to time (such as link paths) to be changed without requiring updates to translations.

For example:

$output = t('There are currently %members and %visitors online.', array(
  '%members' => format_plural($total_users, '1 user', '@count users'),
  '%visitors' => format_plural($guests->count, '1 guest', '@count guests'),

There are three styles of placeholders:

  • !variable, which indicates that the text should be inserted as-is. This is useful for inserting variables into things like e-mail.
$message[] = t("If you don't want to receive such e-mails, you can change your settings at !url.", array(
  '!url' => url("user/{$account->uid}", NULL, NULL, TRUE),
  • @variable, which indicates that the text should be run through check_plain, to escape HTML characters. Use this for any output that's displayed within a Drupal page.
drupal_set_title($title = t("@name's blog", array(
  '@name' => $account->name,
  • %variable, which indicates that the string should be HTML escaped and highlighted with theme_placeholder() which shows up by default as <em>emphasized</em>.
$message = t('%name-from sent %name-to an e-mail.', array(
  '%name-from' => $user->name,
  '%name-to' => $account->name,

When using t(), try to put entire sentences and strings in one t() call. This makes it easier for translators, as it provides context as to what each word refers to. HTML markup within translation strings is allowed, but should be avoided if possible. The exception are embedded links; link titles add a context for translators, so should be kept in the main string.

Here is an example of incorrect usage of t():

$output .= t('<p>Go to the @contact-page.</p>', array(
  '@contact-page' => l(t('contact page'), 'contact'),

Here is an example of t() used correctly:

$output .= '<p>' . t('Go to the <a href="@contact-page">contact page</a>.', array(
  '@contact-page' => url('contact'),
)) . '</p>';

Avoid escaping quotation marks wherever possible.


$output .= t('Don\'t click me.');


$output .= t("Don't click me.");

Because t() is designed for handling code-based strings, in almost all cases, the actual string and not a variable must be passed through t().

Extraction of translations is done based on the strings contained in t() calls. If a variable is passed through t(), the content of the variable cannot be extracted from the file for translation.


$message = 'An error occurred.';
drupal_set_message(t($message), 'error');
$output .= t($message);


$message = t('An error occurred.');
drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
$output .= $message;

The only case in which variables can be passed safely through t() is when code-based versions of the same strings will be passed through t() (or otherwise extracted) elsewhere.

In some cases, modules may include strings in code that can't use t() calls. For example, a module may use an external PHP application that produces strings that are loaded into variables in Drupal for output. In these cases, module authors may include a dummy file that passes the relevant strings through t(). This approach will allow the strings to be extracted.

Sample external (non-Drupal) code:

class Time {
  public $yesterday = 'Yesterday';
  public $today = 'Today';
  public $tomorrow = 'Tomorrow';


Sample dummy file.

// Dummy function included in
function example_potx() {
  $strings = array(

  // No return value needed, since this is a dummy function.

Having passed strings through t() in a dummy function, it is then okay to pass variables through t().

Correct (if a dummy file was used):

$time = new Time();
$output .= t($time->today);

However tempting it is, custom data from user input or other non-code sources should not be passed through t(). Doing so leads to the following problems and errors:

  • The t() system doesn't support updates to existing strings. When user data is updated, the next time it's passed through t() a new record is created instead of an update. The database bloats over time and any existing translations are orphaned with each update.
  • The t() system assumes any data it receives is in English. User data may be in another language, producing translation errors.
  • The "Built-in interface" text group in the locale system is used to produce translations for storage in .po files. When non-code strings are passed through t(), they are added to this text group, which is rendered inaccurate since it is a mix of actual interface strings and various user input strings of uncertain origin.


$item = item_load();
$output .= check_plain(t($item['title']));

Instead, translation of these data can be done through the locale system, either directly or through helper functions provided by contributed modules.

During installation, st() is used in place of t(). Code that may be called during installation or during normal operation should use the get_t() helper function.


$string: A string containing the English string to translate.

$args: An associative array of replacements to make after translation. Incidences of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:

  • !variable: inserted as is
  • @variable: escape plain text to HTML (check_plain)
  • %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted content (check_plain + theme_placeholder)

Return value

The translated string.

See also




528 calls to t()
aggregator_admin_remove_feed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
aggregator_admin_settings in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
aggregator_block in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Implementation of hook_block().
aggregator_form_category in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Generate a form to add/edit/delete aggregator categories.
aggregator_form_category_submit in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Process aggregator_form_category form submissions. @todo Add delete confirmation dialog.

... See full list

13 string references to 't'
blogapi_mt_validate_terms in modules/blogapi/blogapi.module
Blogging API helper - find allowed taxonomy terms for a node type.
get_t in includes/
Return the name of the localisation function. Use in code that needs to run both during installation and normal operation.
taxonomy_autocomplete in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Helper function for autocompletion
taxonomy_get_children in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Find all children of a term ID.
taxonomy_get_parents in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Find all parents of a given term ID.

... See full list


includes/, line 864
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function t($string, $args = 0) {
  global $locale;
  if (function_exists('locale') && $locale != 'en') {
    $string = locale($string);
  if (!$args) {
    return $string;
  else {

    // Transform arguments before inserting them
    foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
      switch ($key[0]) {

        // Escaped only
        case '@':
          $args[$key] = check_plain($value);

        // Escaped and placeholder
        case '%':
          $args[$key] = theme('placeholder', $value);

        // Pass-through
        case '!':
    return strtr($string, $args);