Same name in this branch
  1. 6.x includes/ \db_column_exists()
  2. 6.x includes/ \db_column_exists()
  3. 6.x includes/ \db_column_exists()

Check if a column exists in the given table.


$table: The name of the table.

$column: The name of the column.

Return value

TRUE if the column exists, and FALSE if the column does not exist.

Related topics

1 call to db_column_exists()
system_update_6051 in modules/system/system.install
Create a signature_format column.


includes/, line 407
Database interface code for PostgreSQL database servers.


function db_column_exists($table, $column) {
  return (bool) db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(pg_attribute.attname) FROM pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_class.relname = '{" . db_escape_table($table) . "}' AND attname = '" . db_escape_table($column) . "'"));