Call hook_onload() in all modules to enable modules to insert JavaScript that will get run once the page has been loaded by the browser.


$theme_onloads: Additional onload directives.

Return value

A string containing the onload attributes.

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1 theme call to theme_onload_attribute()
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Return an entire Drupal page displaying the supplied content.


includes/, line 839
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function theme_onload_attribute($theme_onloads = array()) {
  if (!is_array($theme_onloads)) {
    $theme_onloads = array(

  // Merge theme onloads (javascript rollovers, image preloads, etc.)
  // with module onloads (htmlarea, etc.)
  $onloads = array_merge(module_invoke_all('onload'), $theme_onloads);
  if (count($onloads)) {
    return ' onload="' . implode('; ', $onloads) . '"';
  return '';