Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.6.x modules/aggregator.module \_aggregator_items()
  2. 4.7.x modules/aggregator.module \_aggregator_items()
  3. 5.x modules/aggregator/aggregator.module \_aggregator_items()
  4. 6.x modules/aggregator/aggregator.module \_aggregator_items()

Helper function for drupal_map_assoc.


$count: Items count.

Return value

A string that is plural-formatted as "@count items".

1 string reference to '_aggregator_items'
aggregator_form_aggregator_admin_form_alter in modules/aggregator/
Implements hook_form_aggregator_admin_form_alter().


modules/aggregator/aggregator.module, line 788
Used to aggregate syndicated content (RSS, RDF, and Atom).


function _aggregator_items($count) {
  return format_plural($count, '1 item', '@count items');