function book_node_view_link

Adds relevant book links to the node's links.


$node: The book page node to add links to.

$view_mode: The view mode of the node.

1 call to book_node_view_link()
book_node_view in modules/book/book.module
Implements hook_node_view().


modules/book/book.module, line 94


function book_node_view_link($node, $view_mode) {
    $links = array();
    if (isset($node->book['depth'])) {
        if ($view_mode == 'full' && node_is_page($node)) {
            $child_type = variable_get('book_child_type', 'book');
            if ((user_access('add content to books') || user_access('administer book outlines')) && node_access('create', $child_type) && $node->status == 1 && $node->book['depth'] < MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
                $links['book_add_child'] = array(
                    'title' => t('Add child page'),
                    'href' => 'node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', $child_type),
                    'query' => array(
                        'parent' => $node->book['mlid'],
            if (user_access('access printer-friendly version')) {
                $links['book_printer'] = array(
                    'title' => t('Printer-friendly version'),
                    'href' => 'book/export/html/' . $node->nid,
                    'attributes' => array(
                        'title' => t('Show a printer-friendly version of this book page and its sub-pages.'),
    if (!empty($links)) {
        $node->content['links']['book'] = array(
            '#theme' => 'links__node__book',
            '#links' => $links,
            '#attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(

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