function field_sql_storage_field_storage_update_field
Implements hook_field_storage_update_field().
field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/ field_sql_storage.module, line 301
function field_sql_storage_field_storage_update_field($field, $prior_field, $has_data) {
if (!$has_data) {
// There is no data. Re-create the tables completely.
if (Database::getConnection()->supportsTransactionalDDL()) {
// If the database supports transactional DDL, we can go ahead and rely
// on it. If not, we will have to rollback manually if something fails.
$transaction = db_transaction();
try {
$prior_schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($prior_field);
foreach ($prior_schema as $name => $table) {
db_drop_table($name, $table);
$schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($field);
foreach ($schema as $name => $table) {
db_create_table($name, $table);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (Database::getConnection()->supportsTransactionalDDL()) {
else {
// Recreate tables.
$prior_schema = _field_sql_storage_schema($prior_field);
foreach ($prior_schema as $name => $table) {
if (!db_table_exists($name)) {
db_create_table($name, $table);
throw $e;
else {
// There is data, so there are no column changes. Drop all the
// prior indexes and create all the new ones, except for all the
// priors that exist unchanged.
$table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($prior_field);
$revision_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($prior_field);
foreach ($prior_field['indexes'] as $name => $columns) {
if (!isset($field['indexes'][$name]) || $columns != $field['indexes'][$name]) {
$real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $name);
db_drop_index($table, $real_name);
db_drop_index($revision_table, $real_name);
$table = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
$revision_table = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field);
foreach ($field['indexes'] as $name => $columns) {
if (!isset($prior_field['indexes'][$name]) || $columns != $prior_field['indexes'][$name]) {
$real_name = _field_sql_storage_indexname($field['field_name'], $name);
$real_columns = array();
foreach ($columns as $column_name) {
// Indexes can be specified as either a column name or an array with
// column name and length. Allow for either case.
if (is_array($column_name)) {
$real_columns[] = array(
_field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name[0]),
else {
$real_columns[] = _field_sql_storage_columnname($field['field_name'], $column_name);
db_add_index($table, $real_name, $real_columns);
db_add_index($revision_table, $real_name, $real_columns);
drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
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