function template_preprocess_forum_topic_list
Preprocesses variables for forum-topic-list.tpl.php.
$variables: An array containing the following elements:
- tid: Taxonomy term ID of the current forum.
- topics: An array of all the topics in the current forum.
- forum_per_page: The maximum number of topics to display per page.
See also
forum/ forum.module, line 1169
function template_preprocess_forum_topic_list(&$variables) {
global $forum_topic_list_header;
// Create the tablesorting header.
$ts = tablesort_init($forum_topic_list_header);
$header = '';
foreach ($forum_topic_list_header as $cell) {
$cell = tablesort_header($cell, $forum_topic_list_header, $ts);
$header .= _theme_table_cell($cell, TRUE);
$variables['header'] = $header;
if (!empty($variables['topics'])) {
$row = 0;
foreach ($variables['topics'] as $id => $topic) {
$variables['topics'][$id]->icon = theme('forum_icon', array(
'new_posts' => $topic->new,
'num_posts' => $topic->comment_count,
'comment_mode' => $topic->comment_mode,
'sticky' => $topic->sticky,
'first_new' => $topic->first_new,
$variables['topics'][$id]->zebra = $row % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even';
// We keep the actual tid in forum table, if it's different from the
// current tid then it means the topic appears in two forums, one of
// them is a shadow copy.
if ($variables['tid'] != $topic->forum_tid) {
$variables['topics'][$id]->moved = TRUE;
$variables['topics'][$id]->title = check_plain($topic->title);
$variables['topics'][$id]->message = l(t('This topic has been moved'), "forum/{$topic->forum_tid}");
else {
$variables['topics'][$id]->moved = FALSE;
$variables['topics'][$id]->title = l($topic->title, "node/{$topic->nid}");
$variables['topics'][$id]->message = '';
$variables['topics'][$id]->created = theme('forum_submitted', array(
'topic' => $topic,
$variables['topics'][$id]->last_reply = theme('forum_submitted', array(
'topic' => isset($topic->last_reply) ? $topic->last_reply : NULL,
$variables['topics'][$id]->new_text = '';
$variables['topics'][$id]->new_url = '';
if ($topic->new_replies) {
$variables['topics'][$id]->new_text = format_plural($topic->new_replies, '1 new', '@count new');
$variables['topics'][$id]->new_url = url("node/{$topic->nid}", array(
'query' => comment_new_page_count($topic->comment_count, $topic->new_replies, $topic),
'fragment' => 'new',
else {
// Make this safe for the template.
$variables['topics'] = array();
// Give meaning to $tid for themers. $tid actually stands for term id.
$variables['topic_id'] = $variables['tid'];
$variables['pager'] = theme('pager');
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