function overlay_user_dismiss_message
Page callback: Dismisses the overlay accessibility message for this user.
Return value
A render array for a page containing a list of content.
1 string reference to 'overlay_user_dismiss_message'
- overlay_menu in modules/
overlay/ overlay.module - Implements hook_menu().
overlay/ overlay.module, line 328
function overlay_user_dismiss_message() {
global $user;
// It's unlikely, but possible that "access overlay" permission is granted to
// the anonymous role. In this case, we do not display the message to disable
// the overlay, so there is nothing to dismiss. Also, protect against
// cross-site request forgeries by validating a token.
if (empty($user->uid) || !isset($_GET['token']) || !drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], 'overlay')) {
else {
user_save(user_load($user->uid), array(
'data' => array(
'overlay_message_dismissed' => 1,
drupal_set_message(t('The message has been dismissed. You can change your overlay settings at any time by visiting your profile page.'));
// Destination is normally given. Go to the user profile as a fallback.
drupal_goto('user/' . $user->uid . '/edit');
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