Same filename in this branch
  1. 6.x themes/garland/page.tpl.php
  2. 6.x themes/pushbutton/page.tpl.php
  3. 6.x themes/bluemarine/page.tpl.php
  4. 6.x modules/system/page.tpl.php
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 4.7.x themes/pushbutton/page.tpl.php
  2. 5.x themes/pushbutton/page.tpl.php
2 theme calls to page.tpl.php
drupal_access_denied in includes/
Generates a 403 error if the request is not allowed.
drupal_not_found in includes/
Generates a 404 error if the request can not be handled.


View source
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" xml:lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" dir="<?php

print $language->dir;
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />

print $head;

print $head_title;

print $styles;

print $scripts;


<div class="hide"><a href="#content" title="<?php

print t('Skip navigation');
?>." accesskey="2"><?php

print t('Skip navigation');

<table id="primary-menu" summary="Navigation elements." border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td id="home" width="10%">

if ($logo) {
        <a href="<?php

  print $front_page;
  ?>" title="<?php

  print t('Home');
  ?>"><img src="<?php

  print $logo;
  ?>" alt="<?php

  print t('Home');
  ?>" border="0" /></a>


    <td id="site-info" width="20%">

if ($site_name) {
        <div class='site-name'><a href="<?php

  print $front_page;
  ?>" title="<?php

  print t('Home');

  print $site_name;


if ($site_slogan) {
        <div class='site-slogan'><?php

  print $site_slogan;

    <td class="primary-links" width="70%" align="center" valign="middle">

print theme('links', $primary_links, array(
  'class' => 'links',
  'id' => 'navlist',

<table id="secondary-menu" summary="Navigation elements." border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td class="secondary-links" width="75%"  align="center" valign="middle">

print theme('links', $secondary_links, array(
  'class' => 'links',
  'id' => 'subnavlist',
    <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle">

print $search_box;
    <td colspan="2"><div><?php

print $header;

<table id="content" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

if ($left != "") {
    <td id="sidebar-left">

  print $left;


    <td valign="top">

if ($mission != "") {
      <div id="mission"><?php

  print $mission;


      <div id="main">

if ($title != "") {

  print $breadcrumb;
          <h1 class="title"><?php

  print $title;


  if ($tabs != "") {
            <div class="tabs"><?php

    print $tabs;





if ($show_messages && $messages != "") {

  print $messages;



if ($help != "") {
            <div id="help"><?php

  print $help;


      <!-- start main content -->

print $content;

print $feed_icons;
      <!-- end main content -->

      </div><!-- main -->

if ($right != "") {
    <td id="sidebar-right">

  print $right;


<table id="footer-menu" summary="Navigation elements." border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td align="center" valign="middle">

if (isset($primary_links)) {

  print theme('links', $primary_links, array(
    'class' => 'links primary-links',


if (isset($secondary_links)) {

  print theme('links', $secondary_links, array(
    'class' => 'links secondary-links',



if ($footer_message || $footer) {
<div id="footer-message">

  print $footer_message . $footer;

print $closure;