function update_access_denied_page

Renders a 403 access denied page for update.php.

Return value

Rendered HTML warning with 403 status.

1 call to update_access_denied_page()
update.php in ./update.php
Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.


./update.php, line 281


function update_access_denied_page() {
    drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
    watchdog('access denied', 'update.php', NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    drupal_set_title('Access denied');
    return '<p>Access denied. You are not authorized to access this page. Log in using either an account with the <em>administer software updates</em> permission or the site maintenance account (the account you created during installation). If you cannot log in, you will have to edit <code>settings.php</code> to bypass this access check. To do this:</p>
 <li>With a text editor find the settings.php file on your system. From the main Drupal directory that you installed all the files into, go to <code>sites/your_site_name</code> if such directory exists, or else to <code>sites/default</code> which applies otherwise.</li>
 <li>There is a line inside your settings.php file that says <code>$update_free_access = FALSE;</code>. Change it to <code>$update_free_access = TRUE;</code>.</li>
 <li>As soon as the update.php script is done, you must change the settings.php file back to its original form with <code>$update_free_access = FALSE;</code>.</li>
 <li>To avoid having this problem in the future, remember to log in to your website using either an account with the <em>administer software updates</em> permission or the site maintenance account (the account you created during installation) before you backup your database at the beginning of the update process.</li>

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