The page 2 submit handler.

This is the final submit handler. Gather all the data together and output it in a drupal_set_message().

Related topics

1 string reference to 'form_example_tutorial_8_page_two_submit'
form_example_tutorial_8_page_two in form_example/
Returns the form for the second page of form_example_tutorial_8().


form_example/, line 521
This is the Form API Tutorial from the handbook.


function form_example_tutorial_8_page_two_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // Normally, some code would go here to alter the database with the data
  // collected from the form. Instead sets a message with drupal_set_message()
  // to validate that the code worked.
  $page_one_values = $form_state['page_values'][1];
  drupal_set_message(t('The form has been submitted. name="@first @last", year of birth=@year_of_birth', array(
    '@first' => $page_one_values['first'],
    '@last' => $page_one_values['last'],
    '@year_of_birth' => $page_one_values['year_of_birth'],
  if (!empty($page_one_values['first2'])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Second name: name="@first @last", year of birth=@year_of_birth', array(
      '@first' => $page_one_values['first2'],
      '@last' => $page_one_values['last2'],
      '@year_of_birth' => $page_one_values['year_of_birth2'],
  drupal_set_message(t('And the favorite color is @color', array(
    '@color' => $form_state['values']['color'],

  // If we wanted to redirect on submission, set $form_state['redirect']. For
  // simple redirects, the value can be a string of the path to redirect to. For
  // example, to redirect to /node, one would specify the following:
  // $form_state['redirect'] = 'node';
  // For more complex redirects, this value can be set to an array of options to
  // pass to drupal_goto(). For example, to redirect to /foo?bar=1#baz, one
  // would specify the following:
  // @code
  // $form_state['redirect'] = array(
  //   'foo',
  //   array(
  //     'query' => array('bar' => 1),
  //     'fragment' => 'baz',
  //   ),
  // );
  // @endcode
  // The first element in the array is the path to redirect to, and the second
  // element in the array is the array of options. For more information on the
  // available options, see