function views_plugin_exposed_form::option_definition

Overrides views_object::option_definition

1 call to views_plugin_exposed_form::option_definition()
views_plugin_exposed_form_input_required::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
1 method overrides views_plugin_exposed_form::option_definition()
views_plugin_exposed_form_input_required::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.


plugins/, line 43


The base plugin to handle exposed filter forms.


public function option_definition() {
    $options = parent::option_definition();
    $options['submit_button'] = array(
        'default' => 'Apply',
        'translatable' => TRUE,
    $options['reset_button'] = array(
        'default' => FALSE,
        'bool' => TRUE,
    $options['reset_button_label'] = array(
        'default' => 'Reset',
        'translatable' => TRUE,
    $options['exposed_sorts_label'] = array(
        'default' => 'Sort by',
        'translatable' => TRUE,
    $options['expose_sort_order'] = array(
        'default' => TRUE,
        'bool' => TRUE,
    $options['sort_asc_label'] = array(
        'default' => 'Asc',
        'translatable' => TRUE,
    $options['sort_desc_label'] = array(
        'default' => 'Desc',
        'translatable' => TRUE,
    $options['autosubmit'] = array(
        'default' => FALSE,
        'bool' => TRUE,
    $options['autosubmit_hide'] = array(
        'default' => TRUE,
        'bool' => TRUE,
    return $options;