Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 10 core/includes/ \drupal_valid_test_ua()
  2. 8.9.x core/includes/ \drupal_valid_test_ua()
  3. 9 core/includes/ \drupal_valid_test_ua()

Returns the test prefix if this is an internal request from SimpleTest.

Return value

Either the simpletest prefix (the string "simpletest" followed by any number of digits) or FALSE if the user agent does not contain a valid HMAC and timestamp.

7 calls to drupal_valid_test_ua()
drupal_system_listing in includes/
Returns information about system object files (modules, themes, etc.).
SimpleTestBrokenSetUp::setUp in modules/simpletest/simpletest.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
SimpleTestBrokenSetUp::tearDown in modules/simpletest/simpletest.test
Delete created files and temporary files directory, delete the tables created by setUp(), and reset the database prefix.
SimpleTestBrokenSetUp::testBreakSetUp in modules/simpletest/simpletest.test
Runs this test case from within the simpletest child site.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::inCURL in modules/simpletest/simpletest.test
Check if the test is being run from inside a CURL request.

... See full list


includes/, line 2909
Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.


function drupal_valid_test_ua() {

  // No reason to reset this.
  static $test_prefix;
  if (isset($test_prefix)) {
    return $test_prefix;
  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match("/^(simpletest\\d+);(.+);(.+);(.+)\$/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches)) {
    list(, $prefix, $time, $salt, $hmac) = $matches;
    $check_string = $prefix . ';' . $time . ';' . $salt;

    // We use the salt from settings.php to make the HMAC key, since
    // the database is not yet initialized and we can't access any Drupal variables.
    // The file properties add more entropy not easily accessible to others.
    $key = drupal_get_hash_salt() . filectime(__FILE__) . fileinode(__FILE__);
    $time_diff = REQUEST_TIME - $time;

    // Since we are making a local request a 5 second time window is allowed,
    // and the HMAC must match.
    if ($time_diff >= 0 && $time_diff <= 5 && $hmac == drupal_hmac_base64($check_string, $key)) {
      $test_prefix = $prefix;
      return $test_prefix;
  $test_prefix = FALSE;
  return $test_prefix;