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Title Object type File name Summary
ctools_content_select_context function includes/ Select the context to be used for a piece of content, based upon config.
ctools_context_converter_selector function includes/ Create a select box to choose possible contexts.
ctools_context_handler_select function includes/ Compare arguments to contexts for selection purposes.
ctools_context_optional::select function includes/ Select and return one context from the list of applicable contexts.
ctools_context_required::select function includes/ Select one context from the list of contexts, accounting for changed IDs.
ctools_context_select function includes/ Choose a context or contexts based upon the selection made via
ctools_context_selector function includes/ Create a select box to choose possible contexts.
ctools_stylizer_border_selector_form function includes/ Border selector form
ctools_stylizer_border_selector_form_submit function includes/ Copy border selector information into the settings
ctools_stylizer_font_selector_form function includes/ Font selector form
ctools_stylizer_font_selector_form_submit function includes/ Copy font selector information into the settings
ctools_stylizer_padding_selector_form function includes/ padding selector form
ctools_stylizer_padding_selector_form_submit function includes/ Copy padding selector information into the settings
views_content_views_select_display function views_content/plugins/content_types/ Returns an edit form for a block.
views_content_views_select_display_submit function views_content/plugins/content_types/ Submit the basic view edit form.
_ctools_context_converter_selector function includes/ Helper function for ctools_context_converter_selector().
_ctools_context_select function includes/ Helper function for calling the required context object's selection function.
_ctools_context_selector function includes/ Helper function for ctools_context_selector().
_ctools_css_disassemble_selector function includes/
_ctools_drush_selection_screen function drush/ Helper function to select the exportables. By default, all exportables
will be selected, so it will be easier to deselect them.