8 calls to ctools_plugin_load_function()
- CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginFunction in tests/
ctools.plugins.test - Assert helper to check that a specific plugin function exists.
- CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginMissingFunction in tests/
ctools.plugins.test - Assert helper to check that a specific plugin function does NOT exist.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_argument in includes/
context.inc - Get a context from an argument.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_relationship in includes/
context.inc - Return a context from a relationship.
- page_manager_delete_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Remove a task handler.
- page_manager_export_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Export a task handler into code suitable for import or use as a default task handler.
- page_manager_get_renderer in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the render function for a handler.
- page_manager_save_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Write a task handler to the database.