function ctools_export_ui::clone_page

Main entry point to clone an item.


plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php, line 722


Base class for export UI.


public function clone_page($js, $input, $original, $step = NULL) {
    $args = func_get_args();
    drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('clone', $original), PASS_THROUGH);
    // If a step not set, they are trying to create a new clone. If a step
    // is set, they're in the process of cloning an item.
    if (!empty($this->plugin['use wizard']) && !empty($step)) {
        $item = $this->edit_cache_get(NULL, 'clone');
    if (empty($item)) {
        // To make a clone of an item, we first export it and then re-import it.
        // Export the handler, which is a fantastic way to clean database IDs out of it.
        $export = ctools_export_crud_export($this->plugin['schema'], $original);
        $item = ctools_export_crud_import($this->plugin['schema'], $export);
        if (!empty($input[$this->plugin['export']['key']])) {
            $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']} = $input[$this->plugin['export']['key']];
        else {
            $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']} = 'clone_of_' . $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']};
    // Tabs and breadcrumb disappearing, this helps alleviate through cheating.
    // ...not sure this this is the best way.
    $trail = menu_set_active_item(ctools_export_ui_plugin_base_path($this->plugin));
    $name = $original->{$this->plugin['export']['key']};
    $form_state = array(
        'plugin' => $this->plugin,
        'object' => &$this,
        'ajax' => $js,
        'item' => $item,
        'op' => 'add',
        'form type' => 'clone',
        'original name' => $name,
        'rerender' => TRUE,
        'no_redirect' => TRUE,
        'step' => $step,
        // Store these in case additional args are needed.
'function args' => $args,
    $output = $this->edit_execute_form($form_state);
    if (!empty($form_state['executed']) && empty($form_state['rebuild'])) {
        $this->redirect($form_state['op'], $form_state['item']);
    return $output;