function ctools_export_ui::list_render

Render all of the rows together.

By default we place all of the rows in a table, and this should be the way most lists will go.

Whatever you do if this method is overridden, the ID is important for AJAX so be sure it exists.

1 call to ctools_export_ui::list_render()
ctools_export_ui::list_page in plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
Master entry point for handling a list.


plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php, line 594


Base class for export UI.


public function list_render(&$form_state) {
    $table = array(
        'header' => $this->list_table_header(),
        'rows' => $this->rows,
        'attributes' => array(
            'id' => 'ctools-export-ui-list-items',
        'empty' => $this->plugin['strings']['message']['no items'],
    return theme('table', $table);