function ViewsContentPanesTest::testViewMoreLink

Tests rendering a content pane with a more link.


views_content/tests/src/views_content.test, line 45


Tests rendering views content pane displays.


public function testViewMoreLink() {
    // The view "views_content_more_link" has two displays: a content pane
    // display and a page display. The content pane display displays 3 nodes,
    // the page display displays all items.
    // On the content pane display a "more" link is configured that should link
    // to the page.
    $view = views_get_view('views_content_more_link');
    // Create four nodes that the view will display. The first three
    // will get displayed on the content pane display and the remaining
    // on the page display.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
    // Render the content pane display and assert that a more link is shown.
    $rendered_output = $view->preview();