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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AbstractOperation::$contents | property | composer/ |
Cached contents of scaffold file to be written to disk. |
AbstractOperation::contents | function | composer/ |
AbstractOperation::generateContents | function | composer/ |
Load the scaffold contents or otherwise generate what is needed. |
AjaxTestController::dialogContents | function | core/ |
Example content for dialog testing. |
AppendOp::$originalContents | property | composer/ |
The contents from the file that we are prepending / appending to. |
AppendOp::generateContents | function | composer/ |
ArchiverInterface::listContents | function | core/ |
Lists all files in the archive. |
BlockContent::$blockContentStorage | property | core/ |
The content block storage. |
BlockContentController::$blockContentStorage | property | core/ |
The content block storage. |
BlockContentDeletionTest::testDeletingBlockContentShouldClearPluginCache | function | core/ |
Tests deleting a block_content updates the discovered block plugin. |
BlockContentDeriverTest::$blockContentStorage | property | core/ |
The block content storage. |
BlockContentSaveTest | class | core/ |
Tests $block_content->save() for saving content. |
BlockContentSaveTest.php | file | core/ |
BlockContentSaveTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
BlockContentSaveTest::$modules | property | core/ |
BlockContentSaveTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Sets the test up. |
BlockContentSaveTest::testBlockContentSaveOnInsert | function | core/ |
Tests saving a block on block insert. |
BlockContentSaveTest::testDeterminingChanges | function | core/ |
Tests determining changes in hook_block_presave(). |
BlockContentSaveTest::testImport | function | core/ |
Checks whether content block IDs are saved properly during an import. |
BlockContentStorageSchema | class | core/ |
Defines the block content schema handler. |
BlockContentStorageSchema.php | file | core/ |
BlockContentStorageSchema::getSharedTableFieldSchema | function | core/ |
BlockPluginId::$blockContentStorage | property | core/ |
The block_content entity storage handler. |
BookManager::getTableOfContents | function | core/ |
BookManager::getTableOfContents | function | core/ |
BookManager::recurseTableOfContents | function | core/ |
Recursively processes and formats book links for getTableOfContents(). |
BookManagerInterface::getTableOfContents | function | core/ |
Returns an array of book pages in table of contents order. |
BookTest::testGetTableOfContents | function | core/ |
Tests BookManager::getTableOfContents(). |
ContentTranslationEntityBundleInfoTest::testBundleClearOnLanguageContentSettingInsert | function | core/ |
Tests that bundle translation settings are propagated on creation. |
ContentTranslationEntityBundleInfoTest::testBundleClearOnLanguageContentSettingUpdate | function | core/ |
Tests that bundle translation setting changes are propagated. |
Drupal6SqlBaseTest::$databaseContents | property | core/ |
Minimum database contents needed to test Drupal6SqlBase. |
DrupalSqlBaseTest::$databaseContents | property | core/ |
Minimum database contents needed to test DrupalSqlBase. |
EditorSecurityTest::$sampleContentSecured | property | core/ |
The secured sample content to use in most tests. |
EditorSecurityTest::$sampleContentSecuredEmbedAllowed | property | core/ |
The secured sample content to use in tests when the <embed> tag is allowed. |
FinalMissingContentSubscriber | class | core/ |
Final event subscriber to the missing content event. |
FinalMissingContentSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
FinalMissingContentSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
FinalMissingContentSubscriber::onMissingContent | function | core/ |
Handles the missing content event. |
GenerateAutoloadReferenceFile::autoLoadContents | function | composer/ |
Builds the contents of the autoload file. |
InlineBlockEntityOperations::$blockContentStorage | property | core/ |
The block content storage. |
LanguageContentSettings | class | core/ |
Drupal 6 i18n node settings from database. |
LanguageContentSettings | class | core/ |
Drupal 7 i18n node settings from database. |
LanguageContentSettings.php | file | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings.php | file | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::fields | function | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::fields | function | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::getIds | function | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::getIds | function | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::prepareRow | function | core/ |
LanguageContentSettings::prepareRow | function | core/ |
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