Search for remove

  1. Search 7.x for remove
  2. Search 9.5.x for remove
  3. Search 8.9.x for remove
  4. Search 11.x for remove
  5. Other projects
Title Object type File name Summary
views_update_last_removed function core/modules/views/views.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
WorkspacesLazyBuilders::removeTabAttributes function core/modules/workspaces/src/WorkspacesLazyBuilders.php Render callback for the workspace toolbar tab.
workspaces_removed_post_updates function core/modules/workspaces/workspaces.post_update.php Implements hook_removed_post_updates().
workspaces_update_last_removed function core/modules/workspaces/workspaces.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
Zip::remove function core/lib/Drupal/Core/Archiver/Zip.php Removes the specified file from the archive.
_tracker_remove function core/modules/tracker/tracker.module Cleans up indexed data when nodes or comments are removed.

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