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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::createConfigObject | function | core/ |
Creates a configuration object for use during install and synchronization. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::getCacheableMetadata | function | core/ |
Gets the cacheability metadata associated with the config factory override. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::getCacheSuffix | function | core/ |
The string to append to the configuration static cache name. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::loadOverrides | function | core/ |
Returns config overrides. |
ConfigFormOverrideTest | class | core/ |
Tests config overrides do not appear on forms that extend ConfigFormBase. |
ConfigFormOverrideTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigFormOverrideTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
ConfigFormOverrideTest::testFormsWithOverrides | function | core/ |
Tests that overrides do not affect forms. |
ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest | class | core/ |
Tests that configuration objects are correct after various operations. |
ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest::$profile | property | core/ |
The profile to install as a basis for testing. |
ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest::testInstallProfileConfigOverwrite | function | core/ |
Tests install profile config changes. |
ConfigInstallProfileUnmetDependenciesTest::copyTestingOverrides | function | core/ |
Copy the testing_config_overrides install profile. |
ConfigLanguageOverrideTest | class | core/ |
Confirm that language overrides work. |
ConfigLanguageOverrideTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigLanguageOverrideTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideTest::testConfigLanguageOverride | function | core/ |
Tests locale override based on language. |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest | class | core/ |
Tests language overrides applied through the website. |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest::$modules | property | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigLanguageOverrideWebTest::testSiteNameTranslation | function | core/ |
Tests translating the site name. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent | class | core/ |
Event object to allow configuration to be overridden by modules. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent.php | file | core/ |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::$language | property | core/ |
The Language object used to override configuration data. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::$names | property | core/ |
Configuration names. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::$overrides | property | core/ |
Configuration overrides. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::getLanguage | function | core/ |
Gets configuration language. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::getNames | function | core/ |
Gets configuration names. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::getOverrides | function | core/ |
Get configuration overrides. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::setOverride | function | core/ |
Sets a configuration override for the given name. |
ConfigModuleOverridesEvent::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a configuration overrides event object. |
ConfigModuleOverridesTest | class | core/ |
Tests module overrides of configuration using event subscribers. |
ConfigModuleOverridesTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigModuleOverridesTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigModuleOverridesTest::testSimpleModuleOverrides | function | core/ |
ConfigOverride | class | core/ |
Override configuration during the installer. |
ConfigOverride.php | file | core/ |
ConfigOverride::createConfigObject | function | core/ |
ConfigOverride::getCacheableMetadata | function | core/ |
ConfigOverride::getCacheSuffix | function | core/ |
ConfigOverride::loadOverrides | function | core/ |
ConfigOverride::register | function | core/ |
Registers services to the container. |
ConfigOverrideIntegrationTestCacheContext | class | core/ |
A cache context service intended for the config override integration test. |
ConfigOverrideIntegrationTestCacheContext.php | file | core/ |
ConfigOverrideIntegrationTestCacheContext::getCacheableMetadata | function | core/ |
ConfigOverrideIntegrationTestCacheContext::getContext | function | core/ |
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