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Title Object type File name Summary file includes/ Helper functions and form handlers used for the authorize.php script.
authorize.php file ./authorize.php Administrative script for running authorized file operations.
Authorized operations group modules/system/system.module Functions to run operations with elevated privileges via authorize.php.
authorize_access_allowed function ./authorize.php Determines if the current user is allowed to run authorize.php.
authorize_access_denied_page function ./authorize.php Renders a 403 access denied page for authorize.php.
authorize_filetransfer_form function includes/ Form constructor for the file transfer authorization form.
authorize_filetransfer_form_submit function includes/ Form submission handler for authorize_filetransfer_form().
authorize_filetransfer_form_validate function includes/ Form validation handler for authorize_filetransfer_form().
authorize_get_filetransfer function includes/ Gets a FileTransfer class for a specific transfer method and settings.
authorize_run_operation function includes/ Runs the operation specified in $_SESSION['authorize_operation'].
BookTestCase::$book_author property modules/book/book.test A user with permission to create and edit books.
CommentAuthorDeletionTestCase class modules/comment/comment.test Tests the behavior of comments when the comment author is deleted.
CommentAuthorDeletionTestCase::getInfo function modules/comment/comment.test
CommentAuthorDeletionTestCase::testAuthorDeletion function modules/comment/comment.test Tests that comments are correctly deleted when their author is deleted.
CommentAuthorDeletionTestCase::testAuthorDeletionCommentModuleDisabled function modules/comment/comment.test Test comment author deletion while the comment module is disabled.
PageEditTestCase::testPageAuthoredBy function modules/node/node.test Tests changing a node's "authored by" field.
ProfileBlockTestCase::testAuthorInformationBlock function modules/profile/profile.test
SystemAuthorizeCase class modules/system/system.test Tests authorize.php and related hooks.
SystemAuthorizeCase::$admin_user property modules/system/system.test
SystemAuthorizeCase::drupalGetAuthorizePHP function modules/system/system.test Helper function to initialize authorize.php and load it via drupalGet().
SystemAuthorizeCase::getInfo function modules/system/system.test
SystemAuthorizeCase::setUp function modules/system/system.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
SystemAuthorizeCase::testFileTransferHooks function modules/system/system.test Tests the FileTransfer hooks
system_authorized_batch_process function modules/system/system.module Use authorize.php to run batch_process().
system_authorized_batch_processing_url function modules/system/system.module Returns the URL for the authorize.php script when it is processing a batch.
system_authorized_get_url function modules/system/system.module Return the URL for the authorize.php script.
system_authorized_init function modules/system/system.module Setup a given callback to run via authorize.php with elevated privileges.
system_authorized_run function modules/system/system.module Setup and invoke an operation using authorize.php.
system_test_authorize_init_page function modules/simpletest/tests/system_test.module Page callback to initialize authorize.php during testing.
theme_authorize_message function includes/ Returns HTML for a single log message from the authorize.php batch operation.
theme_authorize_report function includes/ Returns HTML for a results report of an operation run by authorize.php. file modules/update/ Callbacks and related functions invoked by authorize.php to update projects.
update_authorize_batch_copy_project function modules/update/ Implements callback_batch_operation().
update_authorize_install_batch_finished function modules/update/ Implements callback_batch_finished().
update_authorize_run_install function modules/update/ Installs a new project when invoked by authorize.php.
update_authorize_run_update function modules/update/ Updates existing projects when invoked by authorize.php.
update_authorize_update_batch_finished function modules/update/ Implements callback_batch_finished().
_authorize_filetransfer_connection_settings function includes/ Generates the Form API array for a given connection backend's settings.
_authorize_filetransfer_connection_settings_set_defaults function includes/ Sets the default settings on a file transfer connection form recursively.
_update_authorize_clear_update_status function modules/update/ Clears cached available update status data.

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