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Title Object type File name Summary
CacheClearCase::testClearCid function modules/simpletest/tests/cache.test Test clearing using a cid.
CacheSavingCase::testNoEmptyCids function modules/simpletest/tests/cache.test Test no empty cids are written in cache table.
CacheTestCase::$default_cid property modules/simpletest/tests/cache.test
DrupalCacheArray::$cid property includes/ A cid to pass to cache_set() and cache_get().
drupal_render_cid_create function includes/ Creates the cache ID for a renderable element.
drupal_render_cid_parts function includes/ Returns cache ID parts for building a cache ID.
hook_block_cid_parts_alter function modules/block/block.api.php Act on block cache ID (cid) parts before the cid is generated.

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