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Title Object type File name Summary
BookTestCase::generateOutlinePattern function modules/book/book.test Creates a regular expression to check for the sub-nodes in the outline.
DatabaseConnection::generateTemporaryTableName function includes/database/ Generates a temporary table name.
DBLogTestCase::generateLogEntries function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates a number of random database log events.
DrupalTestCase::generatePermutations function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Converts a list of possible parameters into a stack of permutations.
DrupalWebTestCase::$generatedTestFiles property modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Whether the files were copied to the test files directory.
drupal_generate_test_ua function includes/ Generates a user agent string with a HMAC and timestamp for simpletest.
drupal_session_regenerate function includes/ Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.
error_test_generate_warnings function modules/simpletest/tests/error_test.module Menu callback; generate warnings to test the error handler.
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::_generateStubEntities function modules/field/tests/field.test Convenience function for Field API tests.
FieldTestCase::_generateTestFieldValues function modules/field/tests/field.test Generate random values for a field_test field.
ForumTestCase::generateForumTopics function modules/forum/forum.test Generates forum topics to test the display of an active forum block. file scripts/ #!/usr/bin/env php

* Generate content for a Drupal 6 database to test the upgrade process.
* Run this script at the root of an existing Drupal 6 installation.
* Steps to use this generation script:
* - Install drupal 6.
* - Run… file scripts/ Generates content for a Drupal 7 database to test the upgrade process.
PollTestCase::_generateChoices function modules/poll/poll.test
PollTestCase::_pollGenerateEdit function modules/poll/poll.test Generates POST values for the poll node form, specifically poll choices.
SessionTestCase::testSessionSaveRegenerate function modules/simpletest/tests/session.test Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().
ShortcutTestCase::generateShortcutLink function modules/shortcut/shortcut.test Creates a generic shortcut link.
ShortcutTestCase::generateShortcutSet function modules/shortcut/shortcut.test Creates a generic shortcut set.
simpletest_generate_file function modules/simpletest/simpletest.module Generate test file.
token_generate function includes/ Generates replacement values for a list of tokens.
TriggerActionTestCase::generateMessageWithTokens function modules/trigger/trigger.test Creates a message with tokens.
TriggerActionTestCase::generateTokenExpandedComparison function modules/trigger/trigger.test Generates a comparison message to match the pre-token-replaced message.
UserPasswordResetTestCase::generateResetURL function modules/user/user.test Generates login link.
_drupal_session_regenerate_existing function includes/ Regenerates an existing session.
_locale_export_po_generate function includes/ Generates the PO(T) file contents for given strings.
_password_generate_salt function includes/ Generates a random base 64-encoded salt prefixed with settings for the hash.
_user_cancel_session_regenerate function modules/user/user.module Implements callback_batch_finished().

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