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Title Object type File name Summary
DrupalMatchPathTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/path.test Unit tests for the drupal_match_path() function in
DrupalMatchPathTestCase::$front property modules/simpletest/tests/path.test
DrupalMatchPathTestCase::drupalMatchPathTests function modules/simpletest/tests/path.test Helper function for testDrupalMatchPath(): set up an array of test cases.
DrupalMatchPathTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/path.test
DrupalMatchPathTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/path.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
DrupalMatchPathTestCase::testDrupalMatchPath function modules/simpletest/tests/path.test Run through our test cases, making sure each one works as expected.

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