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Title Object type File name Summary
FilterFormatAccessTestCase::testFormatRoles function modules/filter/filter.test Tests if text format is available to a role.
filter_get_roles_by_format function modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of roles that are allowed to use a given text format.
theme_user_admin_roles function modules/user/ Returns HTML for the role order and new role form.
TriggerContentTestCase::$_cleanup_roles property modules/trigger/trigger.test
TriggerOtherTestCase::$_cleanup_roles property modules/trigger/trigger.test
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase class modules/user/user.test Test role assignment.
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::$admin_user property modules/user/user.test
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::getInfo function modules/user/user.test
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::setUp function modules/user/user.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::testAssignAndRemoveRole function modules/user/user.test Tests that a user can be assigned a role and that the role can be removed
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::testCreateUserWithRole function modules/user/user.test Tests that when creating a user the role can be assigned. And that it can
be removed again.
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::userLoadAndCheckRoleAssigned function modules/user/user.test Check role on user object.
user_admin_roles function modules/user/ Form to re-order roles or add a new one.
user_admin_roles_order_submit function modules/user/ Form submit function. Update the role weights.
user_roles function modules/user/user.module Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions.

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