CommonURLUnitTest::testDrupalParseUrl in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test drupal_parse_url().
confirm_form in modules/system/system.module
Generates a form array for a confirmation form.
DrupalRequestSanitizer::cleanDestination in includes/
Removes the destination if it is dangerous.
DrupalWebTestCase::curlExec in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Initializes and executes a cURL request.
drupal_goto in includes/
Sends the user to a different page.
field_ui_get_destinations in modules/field_ui/
Extracts next redirect path from an array of multiple destinations.
_locale_parse_js_file in includes/
Parses a JavaScript file, extracts strings wrapped in Drupal.t() and Drupal.formatPlural() and inserts them into the database.