function DatabaseSchema_pgsql::queryFieldInformation
Fetch the list of CHECK constraints used on a field.
We introspect the database to collect the information required by field alteration.
$table: The non-prefixed name of the table.
$field: The name of the field.
Return value
An array of all the checks for the field.
1 call to DatabaseSchema_pgsql::queryFieldInformation()
- DatabaseSchema_pgsql::changeField in includes/
database/ pgsql/ - Change a field definition.
database/ pgsql/, line 191
public function queryFieldInformation($table, $field) {
$prefixInfo = $this->getPrefixInfo($table, TRUE);
// Split the key into schema and table for querying.
$schema = $prefixInfo['schema'];
$table_name = $prefixInfo['table'];
$field_information = (object) array(
'checks' => array(),
$checks = $this->connection
->query("SELECT conname FROM pg_class cl INNER JOIN pg_constraint co ON co.conrelid = cl.oid INNER JOIN pg_attribute attr ON attr.attrelid = cl.oid AND attr.attnum = ANY (co.conkey) INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON cl.relnamespace = ns.oid WHERE co.contype = 'c' AND ns.nspname = :schema AND cl.relname = :table AND attr.attname = :column", array(
':schema' => $schema,
':table' => $table_name,
':column' => $field,
$field_information = $checks->fetchCol();
return $field_information;
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